37:First Day In Blacksmith Village.

The man dressed in white-coloured withered cloth came in and said without any expression on his face " I'm here to deliver morning breakfast to those who want. Please come, inline anybody who wants food. "

There are simple large size plates and bowls present at everyone's bedside. So everybody took their plates other than some rich kids and the ones who are already got the full stomach from the morning breakfast.

The man dressed in white-coloured withered cloth said upon seeing everyone's action " Morning dish is a soupy mushroom noodle. So please bring the bowl, not the plate. "

Then they lined up to get the food served by the man dressed in white-coloured cloth. The man dressed in white-coloured withered cloth served the soupy mushroom noodles to everyone. The dish smelled good as already more people joined in the line to get a piece of tasty food.

Wang Wei also joined inline to taste some of it. But some of the arrogant rich kids got hungry from the flavourful smell of noodles and said to the servant " Hey you servant come here and serve some of that noodles. "

The servant looked at him calmly and said without any expressions on his face " Please wait till I served all of the people in line. Then I will serve some for you. " People who are waiting in the line also looked at the rich kid with a displeased expression.

The rich arrogant kid wanted to taste the noodles but not by offending everyone present there. So he said " Ok come fast after serving them. "

The rich kids who told the servant to come forward to their place & serve him and others with the same mentality all formed a group and changed beds alongside them to spend waiting time chatting and get along with each other.

They are not a group fully formed of arrogant rich kids. Some very poor kids also think they are above the servant and others with overnight gaining status above them by being Hall Master disciples.

A few minutes later.

As they waited for the servant the food is emptied by others. So when the rich kid asked " Where is my food, you slave. "

The servant replied " Respected sir, the food is emptied by others. So there's no food till lunch. Please excuse me for my mistakes. " After finishing his sentence. He went out while carrying the empty food carrier.

The rich kids and other people who overestimated their status are frustrated by the servant.

The rich kid tried to regain some of the remaining dignity by saying to the servant back who's already walking away " Okay I forgive you for your mistake. Let's it be the last time. Don't repeat your mistakes. Otherwise, you know what I will do. "

The servant went before the rich kid can finish his first sentence. So the servant heard none of it and others also showed weird looks at this group. The rich kid and his like-minded friends got offended and embarrassed.

So they moved out and from there and looked for some fairway place from others to escape the embarrassing situation. Until others do not care to remember.

As all of this is happening in one corner Wang Wei is tasting the soup noodle with relish. He slurped the noodles and drank the soup.

'slrup' 'slrup'

After finishing the noodles Wang Wei gulped the glass of cold water from the pot present in the room alongside the beds.

'gurgle' 'gurgle'

After finishing two glasses of cold water right heavy masala flavoured mushroom noodles is heaven. So Wang Wei put the used bowl in the corner of the room where everybody put the bowl to get washed by the servants or some others and looked for a group of people to chat with.

Because it looked like he's going to spend a pretty long time here. So it's favourable & useful to join a group to not present yourself something different from normal people.

So he looked for a group of people that don't seek death or have overly talented people to show their talent in front of everyone. So he chooses people with a low presence.

As a first step to form a useful, loyal group. You choose the first one and start to form and expand the group to five members. He found the first one who was relaxing on one of the beds and decide to approach him. But after thinking about it.

He said to himself ( sheesh I forgot everyone here is a child with a little maturity even older ones. But at the core, they are still children. So it's best to leave it as it is and it's not the world where only people with connections can succeed.)

(It has Martial Arts and I can use it to stand against anyone who will stand in my way. So I will make friends if I genuinely like them or I need them. I don't have to have friends & relations just to show off in front of others.)

(As I am like them when I am not. I can be whatever I want to be without people judging me and only people with enough strength can tell me I am wrong that's to till I cross their Martial Arts realm.)

(If they still say it I will snap their neck in minutes to show who's in charge here. Phew, it sure feels good when you don't give fuck about anything and be anything you want without consequences. Even if the empire collapses I can survive with my strength alone without the consequences of being a slave to another empire.)

Wang Wei who still conversing with himself blurted out without knowing " Hehe I can be whatever I want to be and there's no one to stop me. "

" Other than Hall Master, senior disciples, city guards and city master. You can be whatever you want. if you can beat all of these people. " A slightly childish feminine voice said from the right side of his bed.