38:First Companion.

Upon listening to the voice Wang Wei turned and looked at the source of the voice to determine who ordered the death penalty with this type of rude talk.

He found a boy who's about 10 years old with a white-coloured pretty face, red lips and silky smooth skin without any body hair. He's so cute even in that grey coloured cloth.

So after confirming it's him who rudely questioned him. Wang Wei asked him in an angry tone " Hey is it how your parents taught you to greet strangers. "

The kid white face turned red and replied in an apologetic tone faster " Sorry I replied without thinking. Forgive me for my mistake. " After finishing his sentence the kid turned away from Wang Wei to hide his embarrassment.

Wang Wei suddenly gained interest in this boy. So he asked " It's ok my name is Wang Wei. What's your name? " While extending his hand out for a handshake.

The kid turned his face to Wang Wei and said with an unwilling expression " My name is Mo An. " Without returning the handshake.

Wang Wei is curious about peculiar vibes from the Mo An. So he used Eagle Eye Martial Skill to find abnormalities in him.

By using Eagle Eye Martial Skill and other senses with total concentration Wang Wei found that Mo An is nervous as his heart beats faster than normal and Wang Wei caught a peculiar forest smell from Mo An.

Wang Wei got confused and taught ( I'm curious do I and others also smell like this or is it unique to him. ) So he concentrated on smell sense and smelled others. As he smelled others he found most of them as same smell as him and rich kids smelled like powder and medicines.

So Wang Wei interest got more piqued and he has nothing to do. So he decided to investigate and find the cause of different kinds of aroma from Mo An.

So he decided to chat with him and slowly find out the reason for his difference from others at the same time he was also curious & intrigued about him.

Wang Wei moved and sat down at Mo An's bed. Mo An freaked out and questioned him in an alert voice " What are you doing? "

Wang Wei replied casually " Nothing, why are you so moody? as we are going to stay here for a long time. I taught maybe we can be friends. What about you? "

Mo An maintained a certain distance from Wang Wei and said with an awkward smile. After thinking for a few moments " Ok we can be friends. But keep your distance. "

Wang Wei said with a generous smile " Now we are friends let's introduce ourselves properly. My name is Wang Wei. I am ten years old. I am from a village and my hobby is forging & practising Martial Arts. "

Mo An face gained more colour and enthusiasm after hearing that Wang Wei is from the village.

So he also said " My name is Mo An. I am ten years old. I am from the city and my dad said to me to become a forger. So I become a forger and I don't have any hobbies. "

Wang Wei asked in a surprised tone " You don't have any hobby then what do you do in your free time. "

Mo An replied while extending his hand out and showing a small light green coloured turtle with black eyes that's the length of the pinky finger " In my free time I will play with my pet 'Tinfu' "

Wang Wei extended his hand to take the turtle. But turtle pulled its legs and head inside the shell while looking at Wang Wei with black beady eyes.

Mo An also reacted swiftly by covering the turtle with his hand pulling it back to himself. While saying " Wang Wei 'Tinfu' is very shy. Only I can pet it and carry it not others. So don't try anything like this anymore ok. "

Wang Wei taught ( Not only pet its owner also shy with others. Other than interfering with other people ambitious talk. ) He said with faked sad voice " Ok I will not touch it. Even though I thought we were friends. "

Mo An got guilty and said reluctantly " It's not like that Wang Wei. You can touch Tinfu. If she likes it ok. " Then he put down the turtle in the bed and said " Wang Wei distance yourself from 'Tinfu'. Otherwise, she won't come out of her shell. "

Wang Wei asked curiously " How do you know 'Tinfu' is female. "

Mo An replied with a proud expression " My father invited a special Martial Artist to identify it. "

Wang Wei ( ding ding ding I got it. He should be some child of a noble family who came here to learn forging in disguise. Disguise is for not to alert his enemies or suffer some assassination. It's dangerous to be with him.)

(But he's got an interesting character to hang out with. Most of the cliche problems can be avoided if I used my god-given brain. So try it with maximum effort. If it's not enough escape yourself and avenge later. )

Mo An looked curiously at Wang Wei who was blacking out. So he got in front of him and inquired " Hey why are you not speaking. I said I will allow you to pet 'Tinfu'. If she wants it. Why are you still sad? "

Wang Wei replied " I am not sad. I am just sorting out my thoughts. "

Mo An said sensibly " You speak weirdly. Don't you have any friends before me? Is that why you are speaking like this. Don't forget I am your friend ok. So behave properly from now on. " While rubbing Wang Wei's head.

Wang Wei got embarrassed because nobody in his past life or present life are patted him according to his knowledge. He said while taking Mo An hand from his head " Yeah you're my first friend in the city. "

Then he asked curiously " How many friends do you have. "