86:Crazy Lang Jue.

Even it's been just a few days, he maintained his height in two metres to appear normal in front of others. During these times he felt he's like restricting something inside him, but now after lifting the restriction, he truly felt free.

His long blue hair danced wildly in the air as he looked down at Lang Jue with pair of lazy blue eyes.

Now, Lang Jue's showed a solemn expression on his face. Because he can feel a kind of oppression from Wang Wei.

Then Lang Jue showed an excited and intoxicated expression on his face. As this is the first time, he felt this kind of oppression from others.

Wang Wei looked at Lang Jue's weird expression with puzzlement and asked while punching hard on Land Jue's face " Hey, are you ok. "

Lang Jue avoided the punch, but the shockwave from Wang Wei's punch force opened a small pit in the arena.

Seeing Lang Jue is not responding, Wang Wei continued to attack him.

~Boom~ ~Bang~

~Boom~ ~Bang~