87:Defeat And Victory.

One of the old men took out something mosquito coil made from special herbs and burned it. While other old men performed some secret arts and maintained Lang Jue in one position.

When the smoke is produced from the coil the old man blew it towards the crazy Lang Jue.

The grand elders are already ready. As the half with the transformation is the main and last card of Lang Jue is prepared for against undefeatable enemies from other empires in the great empire competition.

Upon smelling the smoke from the coil, green colour patterned all over Lang Jue's body started to disappear. As Lang Jue brutality replaced with intelligence and wisdom slowly.

A few moments later Lang Jue is now panting heavily while laying on the ground, he said to the bunch of old man's " Thanks for your help, elders. "

One of the grand elders just shooked his head and said calmly " You don't need to thank us. You should win the competition for us, that will be enough for us. "