148:Cowardly He Hou.

Xie Shui snorted with a cold expression and said in a flat " And don't call me water spirit in the future. "

Wang Wei responded lightly " Ok! I think you already heard my name. So, if there's any help you need. You can call me. "

Wang Wei thought ( This girl looks like a tough nut to crack and I don't have patience for that. So, let's drop it here. )

After that, he proceeded to close his eyes and try to get some sleep. Even if he doesn't need the sleep. Xie Shui looked at the sleeping Wang Wei with anger in her eyes.

Because she's dissatisfied with Wang Wei's response. Before all the people who met her always looked at her with wretched or possessive eyes and always try ways to talk and improve the conversation with her.

Because she's is one of the best-talented people in the White Ape Empire. As she attained peak acquired realm at the age of sixteen.