149:Yang Li & Lei's Worry.

" So say, He Hou, Do you want to feel and experience something like that? "

He Hou broke down in cold sweat and replied without considering whether Chen Bao can do what he had said and his earlier small smartness vanished in front of his huge fear.

" No, I don't want to feel and experience what you said Chen Bao. So let's stop our fight here, as I considered you as equal to me. How about it, do you agree? "

Chen Bao just snorted coldly as if snort is the answer to He Hou's question. Because if Chen Bao continued to talk with the stupid cowardly He Hou anymore.

And he or anyone questioned whether he can truly bury anyone. It will be shameful to him. So the first thing he decided to learn from the immortal sect.

It is to learn how to bury others in the underground technique and use it on the He Hou and show off in front of Xie Shui.