He followed behind the prenciple and they finally reached the classroom. the prenciple knocked at the door and a male voice told them to enter and they entered suddenly eyes were on them and students started murmuring. He felt kinda uncomfortable becouse of all the glares some gave him and he also felt kinda awkward. The prenciple stood in front of the class and started talking and telling them that Park ji-hun was a new student here and that they should treat him good and then he left the room and left the awkward standing ji-hun there in the room.
The teacher walked next to him and told him that he should introduce himself. Ji-hun smiled and nodded, "Hello i'm Park ji-hun, i'm 18 years old and i just transfered here, hope yall will treat me good. nice to meet yall" he bowed and they clapped and welcomed him and the teacher told him to sit down somewhere so he went looking for a seat and saw a boy waving at him telling him that next to him is a place free, so he walked to him and sat down on the free place the boy next to him was looking at him and smiling with shining eyes the whole time. Park ji-hun noticed a that someone was looking at him so he turned around and saw the boy next to him.
The boy waved again and ji-hun nodded in a bow and smiled awkwardly again and boy bowed and smiled too "do you know me?" The boy asked pointing at himself, ji-hun looked at him unsure about what he meant and shook his head in a 'No' "ah i'm Han Min-woo, the boy you met outside" he explained and ji-hun looked at him weirdly "you're the jerk?" Ji-hun said looking at him still weirdly not pretty sure what the guy meant "jer- what?" The guy looked at him sad becouse he thought ji-hun meant him.
"i can clearly remember that the jerk was tall, and you.. you're umm pretty short" he said to him while trying not to be so rude "ah i- No i'm the boy you told to shut his mouth so that a bee wont fly inside" ji-hun looked away and started thinking "ah... you were that boy oh ah haha... sorry" he laughed and the boy laughed as well "No talking!" The teacher shouted through the class and both looked away and stopped talking.
Ji-hun looked at the book Han min-woo had on his desk so that he could take out the same. He took his bag and searched for the same book but coulden't find it he sighed and looked at Min-woo next to him. He then pinched him slightly and the boy imediately turned his head and looked at him "could i look in your book too?" He asked him and the boy nodded in a 'sure' and they shared the book together.
After some minutes the boy asked him a question "will you go meet Mr. Prince later?" Ji-hun looked at him questionable not knowing about who Mr. Prince is and slithly tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow "Kim seo-jun! The boy you had a fight with this morning just now!" He whispered and ji-hun quietly said 'ahh' remembering the huge tall strong guy he had a fight with.
"Oh you mean the jerk" and the boy nodded then ji-hun just shruged his shoulders and said nothing "i think you should" said the boy sounding convincing. Ji hun looked at him in a why expression and also asked why he should? The guy then explained to him that one day something smilare happend but it was without splashing water and so on and that it was just with a guy that was hella rude to kim seo-jun. so kim seo-jun told him to meet him after classes but the guy didn't went there and the next day when the guy came he got expelled and then he was kicked out of school.
And never came back here since then. Ji-hun was looking at him in a what the fuck expression and in a why would someone do something like that just becouse he was rude?. But on the other hand he didn't wanted to get kicked out of school on his frist day and go home seeing his parents angry and all that. So he wanted to avoid that and thought about meeting the jerk after classes "Is he kind of crazy or something?" He asked the guy with an disgusted face "everyone knows him here and every girl has a crush on him even boys have a crush on him.
Just because of his looks and his background he is very powerfull in this school" said the guy looking angry as if he wants to crush him and punch him right in the face but at the same time he looked like he was about to cry since he could never do that.
Ji-hun looked out of the window his hand on his chin and his other hand on the desk while holding a pen in his hand and thought about all that while being shocked "even i wasen't like that in my old school, i never used my background for anyshit there or my handsome face" he murmured silently judging Kim seo-jun in every way.
After some time passed the bell rang and everyone in the classroom started relaxing their body talking loudly or looking at Park ji-hun. Some girls went to him and started talking with him about something he didn't understood and he just nodded and looked down or sometimes out of the window "hey park ji-hun how old did you said you are?" A girl asked in a cute voice "18" he shortly answered her and she looked at her friends and laughed "ah~ right" she responded back "whoa you're so handsome omg" another one said complimenting him and he took out his phone and started tapping on something.
Then he stood up excused himself and went out " "after classes behind the school" he reapeted looking around not knowing where he should go it was already the end of classes he had just one more class but seemes like he has to skip it. suddenly a voice from behind called his name and it was his deskmate running towards him "what are you doing? Are you looking for something?" He asked him and he nodded then han min-woo asked what he was searching for and ji-hun told him that he was trying to find out where behind the school is to meet the crazy guy and Min woo showed him the way, wished him luck and run away.
Ji-hun went there looking around there he saw some students kind of waiting for someone of course they were waiting for him. He walked to them and stopped on the right spot he was not near them nor he was far from them. Just right in the middle the right stopt, he looked at all standing there they weren't just the crazy jerk and his other friends there were also others he didn't knew with bats in their hands and waiting there looking at him "is he finally here?!" A voice asked from back there, the guys with the bats made some way and ji-hun could finally see who it was it was the jerk Kim seo jun. he was looking at him with a death glare. "Hey you!".
He called him and ji-hun looked straight at him not showing any fear or weakness "you dared to talk back to me huh! You really seemed like you had a death wish HAHA" he laughed develish with death glares "so i'm now here to fulfill your wish for you" he opened his arms in an embrace showing all of the guys in front of him and laughing, ji-hun looked at him not believing what he is seeing right now he then chuckled and looked him in the face.
"why are they here?" He pointed at the guys with the bats and the other without "are you scared? So you brought them to beat me up or what? Pfff-" he laughed at him making fun of him and Kim seo jun sat straight and widned his eyes at him "why are you laughing?" He asked him with dead eyes and a deep scary voice that could make you shiver if you just heard it even his friends next to him looked at kim seo jun worried that something really bad will happen if he tries now something.
Ji hun again chuckled and looked at him "i'm not laughing at you, i Pity you. how cowardly of you" He said and with that he made seo jun stand up and grab the bat from a guy next to him which made his friends worried and scared and they grabbed him with force but ji hun still continued making him angry "i heard much worse about you why are you now suddenly getting guys to beat me up and not do it yourself" he suggested oh boy....
with that he made an enemy for himself. Inside he was shivering from fearl and begging heavin to shut up his mouth and not make it worse he was more than scared about what is going to happend now. He didn't want to stand there in front of everyone and look weak so he started talking all like that like he is more than strong and made seo jun just more angry and wanting to end him himself.