"Oh lord help me out of here i beg you!!! God of heaven and earth i will give you my life just help me up and make me shut up pleaseeeeee!!!!!!" He begged and screamed inside his head to get out of this horrible situation. "Beat him up!!! Now!!!!!" The male odered them and they went running towards him and started boxing him and beating him but he tried avoiding their punches and punching them back "arghhhh!!!!" He held his stomach someone just beat him in his stomach with a bat and he fell on the ground and they started kicking him and he growling in pain and blood started coming out of his lips nose and mouth and his eye. Kim seo juns friend looked uneasy and nervous at ji-hun, one of his friends yelled at him that he should stop or ji-hun is gonna die.
Then he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his friend that yelled at him his eyes showed no mercy towards him after some minutes he told them to stop and they stopped beating him and he was laying there on the ground bleeding and his clothes were completely dirty everywhere was blood on it and it were dirty from the ground "bring him to me!" He odered the guys and to guys dragged him to seo jun and hold his arms while he was kneeling there on the ground with a bloody nose, lips, mouth and an blue eye which also was blood coming out of.
Kim seo-jun grabbed his face and looked at it turning it right and left and smirked "it could have been gonna pretty good and nice if you didn't FUCKING DISRESPECTED ME!!!!" And at the end he punched him hard in the face which gave ji-hun another big cut on his lip and it started bleeding then his head fell down and seo jun grabbed his chin again and held it up. Who would have thought Park ji-hun still had the audacity to look Kim seo-jun in the eyes and show him a big smirk on his lips, seo-jun's eyes widned at the smirk and he was about to aslap him when his friend held his arm with all his force.
Ji-hun was still looking at him with a smirk on his face "you're literally a psycho!" he yelled at him with all his anger and seo jun started laughing at what he said "a psycho? Pff- sure am i that didn't you knew? You're dealing with me i don't know if you're since a long time in this school or not but at least you should have known not to disrespect me or ashame in front of everyone! You should have known with whom you were dealing" he said to him teaching him a lesson while ji-hun was looking at him with a pissed off face "Bastard." He responded in anger, is this the last time we will see this poor boy alive?.
Is he gonna die now? Heaven should help him now before he dies. Kim seo-jun looked at him deadly in the eyes with a cold smile and his face darkned "i heard worse than that" he told him right in the face with a deep cold dead voice and ji-hun started shivering and thought he was going to get another hit but instead seo-jun put his hand on his shoulder and told the two guys to let go of him and to go away. Ji hun then stood up still struggling and about to fall down. "Meet me tomorrow at the same time right here, we will talk a bit maybe i won't hit you who know~" he said leaning forward to him while ji-hun was trying very hard not to punch him now in the face.
Then they all walked away and left him there behind. He collapsed there on the ground and punched the ground with his hand "ouch!!" He said in pain holding his hand "ugh! Why coulden't i just shut up forever damnnnn!!!" He shouted out loud while looking at the sky and then stood up and walked away out of this place and went inside the school and to the nurse.
He knocked on the door and went in the nurse looked at him and runned towards him "oh boy what happend to you omg!" She yelled at him not believing this but he still smiled and looked at the nurse "Miss don't worry i'm okay" he said trying to play the hero and she hit him on the shoulder and shouted in pain "stop playing around damn" she started cleaning his wounds.
And putting sticking plaster on the small ones and treating all his wounds she was really worried about him and let him sleep there for some hours. After 2 hours he woke up and the nurse looked at him went to him and asked him if he wanted anything and if he was okay or if anything hurts he shook his head and stood up "thanks miss, but i think i have to go now" he said bowing to her and walking out of the nurse room. Checked his phone and it was all broken the screen was half broken but it still turned on hope it won't break out in fire while he is using it.
He looked at it for half an minute and then just checked what time it is and it was already 17:44 he coulden't believe anything and just run towards his classroom and thank god the door was not locked and there was someone in, he opened it and went in bowed down to the charwoman and runned and got his bag and went out running out of the school downstairs hoping that Mr. Hyung wasen't there.
When he arrived outside he sneaked a peek to see if the car was there and shit it was there still waiting for him. He tried to sneak out silently and hoping Mr.Hyung won't see him while sneaking out, too bad he already noticed him and got out of the car and called for him then ji-hun worked instinctively and put his bag in front of his face to hide his bruised face from Mr. Hyung and walked to the car opened the door and sat down Mr. Hyung found it suspicious and looked at him the whole time then finally he asked him what was wrong and why he was hiding his face? But ji-hun just tried to talk himself out there and said that it was nothing and that he was getting something out of his bag so Mr. Hyung left it at that.
And didn't ask more but he was worried about him. Jihun took out a black mask and wore it to hide some bruises while he was in the car and tried sitting on the right side to hide his himself from Mr. Hyung. After some hours they arrived at their home and jihun immediately got out of the car and runned inside the mension still hiding his face from the servants and Miss baek he runned upstairs right away and closed his door and locked it up, he then threw his bag on his bed and runned to the bathroom.
He looked inside the mirror at his face his arms and took off his shirt to see how his stomach looks like. He was shocked to see this bruises, of course he was already in some fights and knows how to defend himself and knows how to fight he sometimes got bruises too but the bruises weren't that big like this ones. All this bruises together will give a big red, purple and blue colored bruise. It won't be that easy to hide them from his parents so he has to improvise.
He went to his closet took out some long sleeves shirts, caps, masks and long pants and soks to hide every bruise he got from him. Then he went to his dresser and took out some creams for bruises that his mom always buyed and put in his room for when something happens. He took everything out that was helpfull to cover them up and help them go away faster, then he went back to the bathroom took off his clothes and went into the cold shower and blooed started mixing with the water and him feeling the pain and trying to yell quietly "arghh fuck" he yelled quietly while panting heavily and trying to endure the pain he is having right now.
He moaned in pain and growled because of the water splashing on his wounds everytime. After 22 minutes he got out of the shower and dried his hair and wore some new clothes then went out down stairs and yelled from down still on the stairs that someone should get him a new school uniform and Miss baek answered with an okay since even there in his old school he always came back with a dirty uniform she thought again that he played around and got dirty so she thought nothing about it right now and just told some servants to go and get him a new uniform.
He then went back to his room and layed on his bed and looked at the ceiling "he is kinda familiar... where did i see him?" He said while thinking about Kim seo juns face he was thinking hard and tried hard to find out where he knew him from but nothing came out afterwards he just fell asleep while cursing at Kim seo jun and insulting himself for not shutting up when he had the time but had to make that psycho angray and now look what happend..... .
"Park. Ji. Hun." Kim seo jun mumbled while sitting in the living room with his brother and watching TV. His brother looked at him weird "what did you said?" He asked him and seo jun answered with nothing which was not the case he suddenly stood up and his brother looked at him questionable "ah- i'm going to my room now" he said with this his brother just answered with an "oh okay" and he left him there alone watching TV.
While walking up to his room he was all in his thoughts, he went inside his room closed the door and layed on his bed and swimmed in his thougths "was i too harsh on him? He was bleeding pretty much.. at least it looked like that.." he was all in his thoughts, worrying about him, worrying about if he went too far. Actual he dosen't always worry about people that he beat up, tortured or made them move away, but is this a exception or something or why is he thinking about him and worrying if he was fine or not?.
He stood up and went into the bathroom looked in the mirror then opened the water tap washed his hands in the middle of washing his hands he started zoning out and his eyes were just on his hands and the water flowing. "His attitude tho, he was pretty mean!" He said in a sharp tone and eyes turning in an unpleasent look "he has a big mouth" He said and snapped out, carried a bit of water in his hands and splashed his face with it and went through his hair. Put his hands on the sink and stared at himself in the mirror, sighed and said "why am i even thinking about him or if he is fine or not" he said and turned off the water tap and went again through his head and sighed.
Went to his shower turned on the water and went out of the bathroom, walked towards his closet opened and took out a black shirt and white pants and two towels and put them on his bed. He suddenly saw his Phone on the bedside table he grabbed it and started looking at it turned it around and looked at it then he tried turning it on but it didn't turn on "ugh, Now it's really broken, this little piece of shit!" He threw his phone on the bed with a loud angry shout "i thought i could still turn it on damn!" He said frustrated and went down looking for his brother.
His brother was in the kitchen making something to eat for himself and kim seo jun went to him and stood there leaning against the wall with crossed arms and looked at his brother waiting to see when he will finally notice him but his brother was too busy cooking and humming something. "Hyung." He called his brother and his brother jumped in a surprise looking at him "Jesus christ Seo-jun! Tell me when you're there you didn't have to scare the shit out of me" He said putting his hand on his chest and closing his eyes for a moment and looked back at his brother "Now what do you want?" He asked "My phone is broken.." He answered looking at his brother.
His brother looked at him as if he wanted to beat him up "AGAIN?!!" He shouted at him and seo-jun closed his eyes already knewing his brother would yell at him for breaking his phone again. It's like now his 14th time breaking his phone and wanting another one "calm down~ Hyung can you buy me another one?" He asked him in a sweet way and his brother looked weird at him "what?" He asked and his brother was still just looking weird at him "anyways just get me a new one i'm going" he ended the conversation with that and went up to his room. He took his towels and went into the shower.