Wives' Endeavours XII

Even as Jun continued to amusedly watch the sisters' staredown, partially taking his focus from Morgan's work as it was far more interesting to see, said work proceeded without issue.

Avalon merged perfectly with Camelot, creating an 11th Crown, not of Jun's making, process was nearly complete and as the anchors locked it, Morgan's copies started fading as their roles came to an end, one by one.

Technically speaking it was not truly a full eleventh Crown but merely an addition to the Crown of Heroes but in terms of energy value, it could well be considered one.

The Crown of Magecraft: Lemegeton, Jun's personal workshop that was mightiers that the highest of Temples was similar in nature, being composed of several different textures, Ars Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Notoria and Ars Almadel Salomonis. Some of them were still incomplete but the principle remained.

Still, while Lemegeton had the energy value of a single crown through the combination of all of its parts, at least for now, the newly improved Crown of Heroes was indeed more like a double Crown, with twice the energy value.

The Crown of Faeries: Avalon, that was the name Morgan though up for her new domain.

In truth, while it was far from being her main motivation, Morgan did indeed feel that her domain was slightly lacking.

Besides Cleria who lacked ambition and, in the Fairy Queen's eyes, pride, her other two sisters each had a Crown that could be said was under their control.

Penthesilea had the Crown of Heaven: Celestia and Scathach had the Crown of Undeath: Dun Scaith. In Morgan' opinion, Celestia was Jun's merit and even then it lost out to her Camelot but, the mythical Land of Shadows turned into a Crown was indeed far superior.

After all, Camelot was built on the foundation of a noble phantasm, a manifested illusion with very real power but still a far cry from the real castle and domain ruled by the Fairy Queen in the Lostbelt of her origin.

Meanwhile, the Crown of Undeath was refined from a great land that saw so much blood and carried so much Mystery that the World itself rejected it. Morgan's Fairy Britain was still superior in her mind but since she lacked it, Scathach did indeed possess the better domain.

But how could Morgan the prideful Queen of Winter be satisfied and accept such a reality? Naturally, it annoyed her but it still did not justify making a big move.

After all, if she clamored because of such a thing and Jun though less of her because it, it would be a loss Morgan could not handle. Now that she had a higher purpose though, if her vanity and pride could be satisfied at the same time as well, then there could be nothing better.

By the refining the actual Isle of Avalon, a place with an extremely deep connection to her into her assigned Crown, stealing it away from the World, at the very least, Morgan would be closing the gap between Scathach's domain and her own.

Once Artoria Avalon was summoned however, she could then take and even bigger leap to achieve total supremacy.

At that point, her Crown would be so strong that even sharing it with the coming Avalon Le Fae would not be a big issue.

Morgan may have issues with Artoria Pendragon but did not hold true for Artoria Avalon and since the latter would be a new addition, Morgan who had held on to the position of the first Queen felt she was secure.

Back to the present however, the staredown between sisters seemed to be heating up even without any further words spoken by either of them and Jun was beginning to think about intervention, after all, Morgan was basically done and successful, even if he showed now, it would not detract from her achievement in the slightest.

Mere moments after however, he detected the end of the merger between Avalon and Camelot and realized his intervention would no longer be necessary and the ensuing spectacle instantly ended all hostility.

The last of Morgan's copies faded as a single Morgan remained, right in front of Artoria and the overflowing magical energy and pressure certainly put an end to the staredown.

'I'm pretty sure the Morgan Artoria was speaking with was initially a copy . . . Can't believe she switched places just because she wanted to argue with her sister directly with her real body.' Jun shook his head.

Meanwhile, Artoria took a step back out of instinct the very moment she felt the overflowing magical energy, predicting a possible attack but soon after, the King of Knights realized it was not a move of aggression by her sister but instead a mere reaction to whatever she had been doing.

It took awhile for the surge to settle but the moment it didn with the same masterful control she used to wield the limitless amounts of magical energy she had accumulated during her millenia long reign before her fall, Morgan perfectly subdued her increased prowess and returned to normal.

"What was that?" Artoria questioned.

"My latest contribution towards all of our futures. How about you try to do something for the whole group as well?" Morgan barbed words flowed smoothly and naturally out of her mouth.

"Truly a woman who can't live without cursing others." Artoria shook her head.

One might think it was a weak response but in truth, it was just the King of Knights telling her sister that she was the bigger and more magnanimous. In other words, neither of the two gave up their scuffle and immediately after the interruption, they were back at it again.


"Let us cease hostilities around here yes."


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