Underworld Negotiations II

"And so we are left with only one weakness to go." Jun said in a jovial voice that did not match the conversation in the slightest.

"Grayfia-san. I'm sure you know what it is. Would you like to share?" He then inquired.

The silver haired maid however, kept quite, showing an indecipherably complex expression. In truth, her thinking was similar to Sona's but more advanced. Grayfia understood several implications within Jun's words.

He knew a lot. Far more than he should and the detail of his information made it seem as if everything about the current situation was proceeding without any mystery to him. Not only did he seem to cathach all of their moves, he even figured out the motives and intentions behind them.

These implications, while frightening indeed, terrifying even, were also a form of warning and a show of mercy.

While he sent his most volatile wife to represent him in the negotiations that would take place the following day, he was also pilling up warning on top of warning to make sure she understood how bad an idea it was to go against him.

'So basically, his wife's role is to curb and to a certain extent, humiliate us for our infraction but at the same time, he is also making it clear that if we swallow the humiliation and act restrained towards Morgan-sama, neither he nor her would pursue the matter further.' Grayfia thought.

'However . . ." She looked at Jun, who was waiting for her to speak, in silence.

'The last weakness, while apparent for those who kept a close eye of the state of the supernatural world, was not so easily defined in its entirety. Many are aware of it but most of them have no clue whether it is a critically serious problem or a simple nuisance.' The silver haired maid pondered.

'As such . . .'

"You don't want to be the one to explain it as you might reveal more than what I know?" Jun interrupted her train of thought in a casual tone.

Grayfia's face imperceptibly twiched, confirming Jun's casual comment was indeed the truth though only Jun and Scathach noticed. As for the others, either they lacked the perception were didn't bother to pay enough attention to the silver haired maid to notice such a slight momentary change.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll be the one revealing the last weakness, that way you can be sure not to give me any extras. Though whether I'm telling everything I know or not . . . I'll leave that to your imagination." Jun smirked before beginning his explanation.

"The third weakness is the position of the Devil Race and the numerous threats to it that exist beyond me. That's the main reason a war will end up with barely any effort or loss on my part. "

"All I need to do is to demonstrate how unstable you are by simply not loosing or even getting a few victories. Once that's done, the rest of the Devil Race's enemies will all jump in to get a piece of the pie while I can simply sit back and enjoy seeing the fools who went against being torn apart with no effort from my end." He casually said.

"Enemies? Like the two other biblical factions?" Sona asked.

"Oh no. It's not that simple." Jun denied.

"Heaven is facing their share of problems so a war is the last thing they want so they will almost certainly not make a move." He started.

"As for the fallen angels, Azazel despises such unproductive acts so he'll keep out of it but there are some warmongers in his organization that will no doubt try to stir the waters to light the flames of war once again." Jun continued.

"Still, the Devils' threats are not from that avenue. It is more likely that another mythology would try to encroach on you that the other two biblical factions making a move which, considering how unlikely that is, is definitely saying something." He further emphasized.

"You see, there is an undercurrent in the supernatural world. A group of madmen who do not fear making everyone and everything their enemy. They are the real threat and if such a big power like the Devils begin to show holes, they will definitely take advantage."

"I haven't heard anything of the sort." Rias commented.

"Of course not, imagine the panic it would cause if all the mighty factions acknowledge a group of terrorism peddling upstarts as an actual threat to their hegemony. As such, they can only try to deal with the problem without making big overt moves." Jun explained.

"Of course. It will all blow up in their face in due time, making them dearly regret not taking decisive action beforehand and doing their utmost to unravel the mystery surrounding this group so as to better know what they were dealing with." He added.

"What is the identity of this group?" Sona asked.

"The new additions of your peerages have already met some of their members. You can ask them." Jun replied.

Tobio and Kouki looked at each other with a look of realization before making their first interjection in the whole conversation ever since Riser first arrived.

"Khaos Brigade!" "Khaos Brigade!"

"Explain, now!" "Explain, now!" The two mistresses immediately commanded their reincarnated devil servants to spit out everything they knew and this time, even Grayfia paid attention. After all, the two boys ran with Jun for a while, who knew if they had extra information she was not aware about.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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