Underworld Negotiations III

Tobio and Kouki looked at each other with a look of realization before making their first interjection in the whole conversation ever since Riser first arrived.

"Khaos Brigade!" "Khaos Brigade!"

"Explain, now!" "Explain, now!" The two mistresses immediately commanded their reincarnated devil servants to spit out everything they knew and this time, even Grayfia paid attention. After all, the two boys ran with Jun for a while, who knew if they had extra information she was not aware about.

The two boys quickly explained their interactions with the group, mainly focused around Satanael who was a perceived member but they really did not know much.

Grayfia on the other hand, being in a higher position, not only knew about the group as a rising threat, she even had direct knowledge of the events mentioned by the two boys. Still, the Khaos Brigade still had a lot of unknowns, even if the higher ups, including herself, knew more than they were saying.

"Well. This was mostly just a little bit of service for Grayfia-san so she could try to stop things from devolving further so let us stop here." Jun interrupted thoughts and conversations alike.

"Morgan will swing by tomorrow evening to go with you to these negotiations. Whatever you do until then, that is up to you all but we won't be sticking around. See ya all later." He informed before vanishing on the spot along with his three wives.

As for the rest of those present, they could only stare. Especially Riser and his peerage who had been left behind when they were supposed to be taken into his custody, at least according to what he himself had said.

Before they could express any feeling or opinion however, the floor beneath them turned water like as spacetime shifted, bringing all of them away and dropping them on what it seemed to be a relatively nice penthouse but one without windows or exits, making them realize this would be their place of confinement.

Still, they could at least feel good about the treatment they were receiving, even if they were aware that a drastic change would be in order should Jun's wife Morgan be offended during negotiations.

Their fates certainly looked bleak but their current situation was not bad, as such, Riser could only hope his betters took the hint and did not antagonize Jun further since that would be his only path towards salvation.

Back in the old school building which doubled as the clubroom for the Occult Research Club, Grayfia sighed while putting her stary thoughts in order.

"I need to go back and report this whole debacle. Until then, please be mindful and do not interact with Jun-sama's group unless they prompt you first and even then, be careful of what you say. At this point, though he left us a way out, his group is just looking for an excuse to escalate."

After leaving these words, a magic circle appeared beneath the silver haired maid's feet as she teleported back to the underworld so as to discuss what had happened with Jun with Sirzechs.

As for the two young devils and their respective peerages, they simply silently retreated to their homes in order to disjest just what had happened. Most of them only spectated without getting even a word or gesture in but it was still a cocktail of information that they were at all not ready for.

Once they reached their homes and got to have a quite moment of contemplation, things began to sink in for some of them.

Rias was forced to come to terms with how flawed her vision of her people, specially her brother, actually was.

That was something far more difficult to swallow than the possible conflict with Jun. She certainly found him attractive and desirable but she had not gotten to the point of actually trying to change her whole race's direction just so he would not become her enemy.

As for changing his direction, while it was a sort of first instinct for the red haired beauty, as an actual participant of the conversation, even if not one that contributed much, or anything at all really, she instinctively figured that trying to do such a thing would only give rise to regret.

And so, she just kind of fell into the middle, not being able to decide what to do and how to act.

Sona on the other hand, admired Jun much more. She even had to admit to herself that she might have quite the crush for him.

His ability to see and to understand awed her and she regularly visited him, discussed her magic and her ambitions, played all kinds of strategy based games and such, whenever he was available.

That being the case, her motivations for wishing to avoid a conflict between Jun's group and her people, were not just out of personal stakes.

She understood Jun better than her best friend and though she had no grasp of his actual abilities, based on his personality alone. If he was okay with doing something, it was because he was supremely confident it would go his way.

That made Sona scared for her people and, based on Grayfia's way of acting, the silver haired maid seemed to share many of her her thoughts while knowing much more than her which only further cemented the young devil's views.

And so, the Sitri heiress decided to take a course of action she would normally never take . . . She elected to contact her older sister . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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