Underworld Negotiations XXI

'I simply have to not react much to insults and threats. Acting weak will only make them suspicious but if I try to act strong while not proving my strength, they will think I'm posturing. It will also result in the fulfillment of our end of the bargain with the current Satans since we won't be taking small provocations to heart.'

Coming to this conclusion, the Fairy Queen communicated her plan to her escorts who acknowledged it without a change in facial expression or demeanour.

It was time to put on a show.

"So what are your expectations for these negotiations Lady Morgan?" Lord Baal continued to speak his father's words.

Considering their beliefs as a faction, the action of treating their pure blooded prisoners respectfully, while being interpreted as a sign of weakness, it also showed respect which had to be taken into account.

So far, the other party was nothing if not reasonable so they could not be the ones to stain their reputation by starting hostilities unprovoked.

They had to move the conversation along, trying to find an excuse to go at them or use a sacrificial lamb to incite conflict and getting involved as a matter of honor afterwards.

"It's quite simple. We want a sincere apology. That is all." Morgan calmly spoke.

"I'm sure a formal apology was already sent your way right after the events. Or it should have been sent either way." Lord Baal responded.

"Indeed. But words are cheap when they are not backed up." The Fairy Queen replied in turn.

"In other words. You have to feel our . . . "Sincerity" . . . Is that right?" Lord Baal questioned, a bit of pride and hostility leaking into his tone.

While the words were Zekram Bael's, his son's attitude was beginning to creep in as he found Morgan's cold and standoffish attitude offensive.

He was extremely prideful and prone to jealousy after all and as such, was not the kind of individual to handle opponents who did not show what he believed was "proper respect".

Basically, he was a douche that got angered when someone he did not believe worthy of respect, did not immediately lower themselves before him.

This time however, Morgan showed strength by letting her silence speak for her, sending mixed signals and keeping the Great King Faction guessing for the moment.

'Now so long as I maintain this silence and do not talk back when the fools from the Old Satan Faction inevitably jump in, it will make us look fake strong, thus baiting the Great King Faction into the action.' The Fairy Queen thought to herself and much like she predicted, Creuzerey interjected once again.

"Do you think a group of children formed by human nobodies borrowing the names of so called human heroes are deserving of our sincerity?" He spat out with pure and utter disdain and disgust while his fellows seemed very much in support of his words.

Shalba had sported an expression of cold contempt during the entire proceedings so far while Katerea had an arrogant mocking smirk plastered on her wastefully beautiful face.

Just as planned, Morgan pretended not to have heard the insults thrown her way.

This incensed the Old Satan faction who wasted no time in spitting more vitriol on how rude, insignificant, arrogant and overconfident Jun's representatives and their group as a whole was, completely ignorant of the irony in their statements.

The Great King Faction were like sharks that smelled blood in the water as they sensed hidden weakness in the way Morgan was acting.

Sirzechs and Ajuka on the other hand, were stealthily communicating with their eyes. At first, they were confused that Morgan was acting quite passively rather than with the hostility they had expected and wondered if she had been so satisfied with their bribe that she was taking it easy.

Soon though, they began to realize what was happening. The Old Satan Faction was acting far more aggressive than usual and they figured that was at least partly connected to Jun and his group's certainty that conflict would break out and Morgan's more passive way of acting, was very clearly her way of baiting the Great King Faction into the muddy waters of the conflict.

The New Satans knew Cleria was one of Jun's wives and also had their suspicions that there was hostility between her and at least some members of the Great King Faction though they did not know exactly what went on behind the scenes.

As such, assuming the Great King Faction was Jun's main target, made Morgan's actions seem very logical and calculated. As for the Old Satan faction, both sides were obviously trying to use them. The Great King Faction as a probe into Jun's group and their capabilities while Morgan was using them to feign weakness through false strength.

So far, while he was officiating the meeting, Sirzechs had been keeping mostly to the sidelines in concert with the agreement made with Morgan.

He was still in hot water due to his previous actions, interfering with her or Jun's plans was simply a bad idea. It would only make the already bad situation even worse.

Some members of his faction tried to smooth things out as they were the ones most interested in a peaceful resolution but without his direct support, they were smothered by the other two factions.

Lord and Lady Phenex were displeased with his actions or lack thereof but even more so by the way the Great King Faction and Old Satan Faction were making things progress.

"I see this negotiation was a waste of time." Morgan finally opened her mouth and the room fell into a stale silence like the calm before the storm.


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