Can It Even be called War? I

"I see this negotiation was a waste of time." Morgan finally opened her mouth and the room fell into a stale silence like the calm before the storm.

And after dropping that sentence, the Fairy Queen calmly got up from her seat and moved to leave, making everyone in the room read her actions in their own way.

Sirzechs, Ajuka and Grayfia knew she was dangling the bait and waiting for her targets to jump over and bite into it.

The rest of their faction though she was simply displeased with the personal attacks and lack of discussion and were worried about a breakdown in relations, specially Lord and Lady Phenex as that would make their children's fates considerably bleaker looking.

Expectedly, the Old Satan faction saw it a final insult and dismissal which their overinflated ego could not possibly take, quietly or otherwise.

As for the Great King Faction, they saw it as a strategic retreat. A show of being unbothered before retreating to safety before they could be blocked from withdrawal.

Basically, they thought Morgan chose to back out completely out of an inability to gain an advantage without playing things more aggressively which to them, meant she was not confident in her group's ability to handle full blown hostilities with the devil race.

Safe to say, everyone was thinking along the lines Morgan expected them to. The question was . . .

Would those thoughts give rise to the action she desired from them?

When members of the Old Satan Faction, joined by a few members of the Great King faction blocked the exit, that question was given a resoundingly positive answer.

An internal smile filled with cruelty and bloodthirst surged within the Fairy Queen's mind as the time for her to unleash her wrath upon the fools who dared to disrespect her and her husband was fast approaching.

Maintaining the cold expression on her face however, Morgan turned around to face the table of representatives while Artoria and Jeanne were all ready to draw their weapons and unleash hell, pun intended.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Fairy Queen questioned.

"You only only leave this room once a satisfactory answer is given to our people or else you will not leave at all." Creuzerey spat with derision and fury.

Lord Baal kept silent but showed tacit support, at least when it came to prevent Morgan and her escorts from leaving for the time being and that, was all the excuse the Fairy Queen needed.

As the corners of her mouth began tugging ever so slightly upwards, forming a nearly imperceptible smile that was colder that the grave, Zekram Bael who was seeing things through his son's eyes immediately got a bad feeling and realized that he was most likely lured into starting conflict.

'That woman put on a show to draw me into the conflict. The only reason she did not immediately respond to the fools from the Old Satan Faction, those waste that dishonor their illustrious ancestors, was because my faction was her main target.' The old devil deduced.

And props given were props were due, Zekram Bael instantly saw through the whole matter with a simple shift in Morgan's face, proving that at least socially and diplomatically, he was not an opponent to be underestimated.

Unfortunately for him, the time where those skill could have been put to good use was past and now, it was time to let one's own strength do the talking.

"If you prefer violence over dialogue . . . Then I shall follow suit with the utmost pleasure." Morgan chillingly spoke, confirming Zekram's deduction and letting the less savvy folk realize that something was very wrong.

Even the cocky descendents of the original Satans began feeling the pressure surrounding them. But before any other words could be said, all parties bursted into action.

Sirzechs and Ajuka immediately shielded their faction with their combined might while the Satan descendents used their demonic powers to strike at Morgan and the Great King faction attempted to withdraw seeing the situation was not developing as expected.

Instantly, both the two Satans and the Great King Faction members were proven right.

Summoning her flag, Jeanne effortlessly cancelled the demonic magic tossed Morgan's way. Her abilities did not originally work like so but she had been expanding her power and skillset greatly ever since she was bound to Domina Coronam.

As for Artoria, she summoned her holy sword and wit ha swift use of her enhanced Mana Burst, the whole building, not just the room they were in, was flooded with blinding golden light that brought untold destructive power with it.

The show of might momentarily caused everyone to pause as they needed to assess the situation but as the golden light dispersed, it was incredibly clear that things were not looking good for the devils. Well, for most of them anyway.

Artoria had aimed her blast upwards since freeing up space for the fight was the main goal of her attack but she had overestimated the resilience of her opponents, especially since her holy sword was the nemesis of being of darkness like devils were.

Amidst the ruins of the building, a barrier filled with cracks and clearly on the verge of shattering held on regardless, Ajuka and Sirzechs had succeeded in protecting their people.

Ophis' snake, the source of power granted to the Satan descendants allowed them to survive though with heavy injuries but all the devils from their faction that followed them to the meeting were decimated.

As for the Great King Faction, their swift and decisive retreat allowed them to escape most of the blast since it was not aimed at them. There were still a few dead and a couple more injured but the grand majority of them were absolutely fine.

Morgan's following words however, were almost as damaging as Artoria's holy sword . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.