Young Master? Young Master!

"You... you guys..." Mr. Smith was speechless. He took a few deep breaths to compose himself before saying, "Listen, I don't care what you're up to. You have to stay here until the law enforcement officers arrive."

"Oh," Aurelia replied faintly, "Then what exactly did my young master do wrong?"

"Alvin stole my watch," Mr. Smith picked up the watch. "This was found in his drawer. That's the evidence!"

"I don't care whether there's evidence or not. Did you personally see my young master do something to your cheap watch?"


Seeing that the two were about to argue, Alvin took a few deep breaths to adjust his state of mind.

As expected, Aurelia was more or less mentally ill.

This had nothing to do with her.

Besides, just saying "It's not me, it's really not me" would not solve the problem.

The key problem now was that the watch was found in Alvin's drawer. Until Alvin found out who the culprit was, anything he say would be useless.

While Alvin thought about this rationally, he could not help but feel touched when he saw Aurelia's back in front of him.

Even if she was a little crazy, even if her actions were out of the ordinary...

At least at this moment, she stood up for him.

"Miss, I understand you..." Mr. Smith said halfway, but the rest of his words seemed to be stuck in his throat.

After umming and ahhing for a long time, Mr. Smith said, "Forget it. To be honest, I still can't understand what you're doing with your cosplay. We are in the midst of a serious discussion right now."

"If you don't have any evidence to prove that your young mast-... ahem, if you can't prove that Alvin is innocent, please don't get in the way, okay?"


Aurelia suddenly laughed and tilted her head. "If I'm not wrong, you bought a deck of tarot cards for divination, right?"

Mr. Smith frowned, "How did you know?"

"That's not the only thing I know, I also know that your question for divination was 'Where is the watch' and not 'Who stole the watch'!"

"Newbies at divination shouldn't do these by themselves! Now you've caused a misunderstanding like this!"

After she said that, Aurelia walked quickly to a corner, and everyone stared at her back.

As she walked, she suddenly jumped.

She raised her hand and touched the ceiling.

The ceiling was at least four meters high. Since it was an old-fashioned office space, the ceiling was designed to be taller. The design took into account that some bosses would not install air conditioners, but would use electric fans instead.

However, she touched the ceiling easily. With a sweep of her arm, she brought something down.

This move caused many people to click their tongues.

This was because anyone who had played basketball before knew that touching a 3.05-meter-tall backboard was the upper limit of a normal person.

Moreover, if one was not naturally tall enough, they would not be able to touch it even if they jumped with all their might.

This woman was only about 1.6 meters tall, but she managed to touch a 4-meter-tall ceiling?

And she even managed to bring something down?

Aurelia's hand slowly opened, revealing a small black gadget.

"I've forgotten the name of the smallest camera that the current technology can make, but the price of this camera is high enough to buy the land you're standing on."

As she spoke, Aurelia threw the camera to Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith fiddled with it for a while and suddenly thought of a critical question. "Why did you install the camera in my office?"

"It's all because the young master is here," Aurelia replied while she held Alvin's arm.


After connecting to the device, the content recorded in the black camera began to play.

This camera was installed more than a week ago. 

It suddenly started recording one night.

They fast-forwarded for a long time before they arrived at the recording of the last two days.

The screen showed that before locking the door the day before yesterday, a temporary worker suddenly came back and entered the boss's office.

The next day, Mr. Smith announced that his watch was missing. Hence, everyone looked for the watch, but they didn't find it.

The camera recorded the reason why they couldn't find the watch.

The temporary worker took the opportunity to put the watch into Alvin's drawer as he asked Alvin some questions.

At that time, Alvin had already passed the 'self-inspection stage'. This meant that he had checked the drawer in front of the boss and did not find anything unusual.

When the recording was played up to this point, the temporary worker ran away.

However, Jerry was already waiting at the door. With Jerry's bulky body, it was not easy to push him away.


After a round of commotion, apologies were made, and the temporary worker was sent to the police station.

Alvin had successfully gotten rid of the suspicion on him, and the real culprit had been caught.

Everything seemed to have been solved, except for one problem.

What was going on with this camera?

Mr. Smith really could not understand why someone would install a camera in his own office.

He could not understand why the camera would have such a great impact on clearing up an unjust situation.

It was as if she had known that something would happen here.

Aurelia did not answer this question. She only gently held Alvin's arm and gave him a teasing smile.

"Let's go, Young Master."

All of this happened too quickly. Alvin did not have time to think before Aurelia pulled him away.

After he was pulled out of the office, Alvin looked back.

All of his colleagues got out of their chairs and looked at this scene through the window. Many of them immediately swallowed their saliva.

Although it sounded dirty, who wouldn't like to be pulled by such a beautiful girl?

Not to mention that she was wearing a maid's outfit. She also kept calling him 'Young Master'!

"Jerry, you are closest to Alvin here. When did he have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Looking at Alvin's back, everyone remembered that Alvin was famous for being a bachelor in the office. He had never had any scandals or anything worth gossiping about. He looked like he had no desires at all.

When did he have such a daring and capable girlfriend?

"How would I know?" Jerry smiled bitterly. "But I suspect that this is hypnosis! It must be some kind of hypnosis!"

As Alvin's best friend, Jerry thought that he already knew everything about Alvin.

In fact, from what Jerry could recall, some girls had expressed favorable feelings for Alvin.

But Alvin always had a distant attitude toward those girls. The reason was that he did not feel like their personalities were compatible, so he did not want to physically stay with them as well.

And the two of them spent most of their break playing games or drinking together. How would Alvin have time to pick up girls?

If this was not hypnotism, then what was this?