Veyron Crystal Limited Edition

Today was destined to be an extraordinary day for the cafe.

A Bugatti was parked in front of the cafe.

This place was relatively close to a financial building. The residents who lived here had long been accustomed to seeing luxury cars.

After all, many in the financial industry got rich overnight. The lifestyles of these people were not as low-key as that of business owners. Usually, there would be an endless flow of luxury cars here. Sometimes, they would even block this place. It made people wonder how much money they would lose if someone blew up the place.

If someone passed by and stared at the luxury car, it meant that the person must be a foreigner. As long as it was someone who lived or worked here, they would not be bothered by it. They could not afford it anyway, so they pretended not to see it when they passed by.

But this car was different.

It was pink and extremely flashy.

Some said that this was the only pink car among the 450 Veyron Crystal limited edition cars in the world.

At this moment, this car had already been slapped with a few parking violation tickets.

The traffic police were more careful than ever when they did this.

They looked left and right to make sure that the owner of the car wasn't nearby before they let out a sigh of relief. Then, they would quickly slap the tickets on top of the car.

After all, no one wanted to offend someone who could drive such a car.

Judging from the color of the car, the owner of the car was obviously a woman.

This gave everyone a couple more topics to discuss while drinking coffee.

"She should be a second-generation rich, right?"

"I think it's a gift from her husband. No father would give such an eye-catching car to his daughter. It would be inviting trouble."

"Maybe she bought it herself? An elite female in the industry or something like that."

"An elite female in the industry who can do this probably has a temperament similar to that of a man. Why would she like such a young girl's color..."

The people sitting in the cafe fully utilized their imagination to deduce the female owner's background. 

In their imagination, the female owner of the car probably didn't obtain the car through her own means. It was more likely a gift from someone else.

Although everyone expressed their disdain, some people began to imagine that if they could display their charm and get the lady to support some of their living expenses... it wouldn't be so bad!

People started to imagine how happy the female owner of the car and her husband must be.

Soon, the mystery behind her identity was revealed.

A man wearing a cheap suit approached the car.

Beside him was an extremely beautiful girl wearing a maid outfit.


Everyone couldn't help but suck in a breath.

Rich people indeed had their unique tastes.


"Is it nice? Is it nice?"

Aurelia held the hem of the maid outfit and waved it a few times, saying, "This is your favorite outfit. You have to cherish this opportunity and look at it a few more times. I'm not brazen enough to wear this whenever you want."

Alvin secretly glanced at her.

He was starting to believe that maybe Aurelia was really reincarnated.

After all, Aurelia had a good grasp of his preferences. He truly liked this type of thing.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Get in the car."

"Car? Which one? If you parked downstairs, you'll get a ticket."

"The pink car."

Alvin looked at the pink sports car in front of him and pointed at the car in disbelief. "This? It's yours?"

However, Aurelia did not answer this question. Instead, she frowned.

Then, Aurelia bent down and put away the tickets that were stuck in the window.

"I only parked it here for a few minutes. Couldn't they treat it as though I ran down to pick up some coffee?"

Aurelia complained a little, then opened the car door and stretched her arm into the car.

"Get in, Alvin."


Alvin hesitated for a moment.

Everything that had happened today was a little too magical for him.

His girlfriend, who claimed to be from the future, took him away in front of all his colleagues.

Now, she even invited him to get into a car that was evidently very expensive.

Due to the nature of his work, Alvin had seen many luxury cars. Although the luxury cars he had seen belonged to the more successful bosses.

Alvin had also benefited from it. Occasionally, he could sit in the car and go to a meeting together.

But the car in front of him was obviously more luxurious than the ones he had seen before.

Just as Alvin was in a daze, he felt a force pushing him from behind.

"Get in!"

Aurelia patted him on the back and pushed him into the car.

Then, Aurelia sat in the driver's seat.

With a clear roar, the car started to move.

Alvin looked around.

As expected of a girl's car.

The entire car, whether it was the seat or the steering wheel, was either pink or bright red. It had a strong girlish vibe.

For some reason, this made Alvin feel a little embarrassed.

But then he looked at Aurelia. She was still wearing a maid's outfit, but she didn't show any embarrassment or emotion.

She reached out and skillfully turned on the car stereo.

It was Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face'.

Alvin was shocked. This was actually one of his favorite songs. However, because he wanted to come across as youthful, he never expressed his liking for this song in public.

The reason why he liked this song was not that he wanted to practice the so-called poker face, but because he admired the kind of attitude where one was calm when facing everything.

Listening to this song, Alvin secretly reminded himself to calm down. He had to calm down and think. 

The biggest problem at the moment was the camera. What was with the camera?

That camera was obviously placed there by Aurelia. For a person who could afford a luxury car, it was not difficult to secretly do something to an ordinary office. 

But the question was, what was the purpose of doing this?

Alvin turned his head and asked, "Were you spying on me? And did you anticipate what would happen today?"

There was a moment of silence in the air.

Aurelia frowned. She wanted to reach out to touch the car radio station several times, but each time she retracted her hand.

"These are all old-fashioned songs," Aurelia complained for a moment. 

Then she reached out and changed a few songs.

However, regardless of the song that was playing, she did not look very satisfied. After switching a few times, she simply played 'Poker Face'.

"What did you say earlier?" Aurelia asked.

Alvin repeated, "Were you spying on me? And did you know that this would happen today?"