Mia's Death!?

Max flew at breakneck speeds!

The surrounding scenery flashed past him like lightning!

In less than 2 minutes, Max had already arrived at Mia's original location.

At this moment, there was nothing but the smell of corpses coming from the countless dead soldiers on the ground.

Max slowly closed his eyes and felt the subtle fluctuations of mana around him.

He did not believe that his sister would disappear into thin air.

After all, the Red Dragons were the dragons that exceled the most in magic. Thus, even if they died, some mana would still linger within their corpses.

Max was confident that even if his sister was transported to any corner of the desert, he would still be able to locate her!

Max slowly searched the ground. Other than the human corpses, Max could not find anything else.

Even the luxurious carriage that Max had spotted before had disappeared.