Desperation, A Fight to the Death!

A figure suddenly shot out from the dust of the explosion. An incomparably bright mechanical iron fist directly smashed towards Max!


A loud thud rang out!

Max's figure was sent hurtling by a massive force. He was ruthlessly slammed into the sand not far away, raising a cloud of dust in the process.

Max had received a surprisingly heavy blow!

Within the dust, Bloom's figure slowly appeared.

The explosive barrel that Bloom had used was a highly-explosive bomb that had been specially collected from a distant island. 

Under Bloom's modification, the sharp thorns that were covered in poison were installed around the explosive barrel had achieved a similar effect to the shrapnel grenades in Max's previous life.

Moreover, even after his initial success, Bloom did not let up. He immediately rushed up to Max to beat him up.

This caused the already heavily injured Max to receive even more serious damage!