Duke Magford's Manor

Molmo drove his sleigh and sped through the snow.

The duke's manor he was heading to was 10 kilometers away from Bohr village.

No matter how fast the sleigh dogs ran, it would still take them at least half an hour to reach the duke's residence.

It was currently night time. Other than the oil lamp at the front of the sleigh providing Molmo with light, his surroundings were entirely pitch black.

The wind was howling, and along with its powerful gales, it carried a frigid cold, stinging Molmo's face as he sped onward.

He could not help but put bring up his coat's collar.

The road was gloomy, and wolf howls could be heard from time to time.

Whenever Molmo heard those howls, he shuddered.

He knew very well what creature the sound had come from.

They were from Snow Wolves, the most terrifying creatures within Molmo's memories.