Magford's Decision, Abandon Bohr Village?

Magford's door slowly opened, and Molmo saw Magford's figure.

Magford was a slightly chubby middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He looked like he had taken good care of himself, and his hair did not show any signs of graying. However, perhaps due to fatigue, the wrinkles on his face were rather pronounced.

Magford, who was wearing a nightgown, was still sleepy. He seemed to have just been woken up by the guards and was still not fully awake.

After taking a glance at Molmo, who was in a sorry state, Magford stretched his head forward and observed Molmo even more carefully.

"Oh, I know you."

"Are you the son of the village chief of Bohr village, or the son of the village chief of Grovka Village?"

Magford asked.

"I'm from Bohr village. Gran Mengka is my father."

Molmo hurriedly introduced himself.

Gran Mengka was Molmo's father, the chief of Bohr Village.

Magford nodded and asked in puzzlement.