A Terrifying Beam of Light

"Lord Magford..."

"Perhaps, we have another way!"

One of the guards hurriedly said after hearing Magford's orders.

"Hmm? What other way? Do tell me, Grange."

Magford hurriedly asked Grange.

A large part of the reason for why Magford was beloved by many was due to how down-to-earth he was when interacting with the common folk. Even though Grange was an ordinary guard, Magford still knew his name.

Grange paused for a moment before responding.

"Duke Magford, you may not know this, but there is indeed a family with a mystical bloodline in Bohr Village."

"They are born with incomparably powerful strength. Legend has it that one of the Three Heroes who had perished in the desert had hailed from this family."

Magford nodded slightly when he heard this.

He knew not of this. Even his father had never mentioned this to him.

'Is this true?'