A Glimmer of Hope!

After hearing the terrifying dragon roar that came in the direction of Bohr village, Molmo immediately rushed back without a care in the world.

As he ran, he put on his heavy coat.

Even though the guards at the entrance of the courtyard had tried to stop him, they were unable to slow down Molmo's movements in the slightest.

As soon as he left the courtyard, the frigid air blew towards him like blades once more.

Despite this, Molmo immediately ran to his sleigh and untied the ropes that were chaining his sleigh.

The sleigh dogs were also frightened by the terrifying dragon roar. Molmo quickly patted the heads of the sled dogs to calm them down.

After all, it would take at least 2 hours to reach Bohr Village by foot. However, it would only take half an hour by sleigh.

At the moment, the sleigh and the dogs were extremely important to Molmo.

Molmo stroked the chin of the sleigh dogs and attempted to placate them.