Do You Believe in the Devil?

After an unknown period of time, Molmo slowly opened his eyes.

The moon was hanging high in the sky, and it was scattering a faint layer of moonlight over the earth.

Molmo was somewhat surprised.

He hurriedly asked the youth beside him.

"What's wrong with me?"

"How long has it been?"

The young man shrugged.

"What a shame. Had you remained in that state for a bit longer, you might've reached the peak of your potential."

Following this, the young man continued walking back to the mansion.

Molmo was confused by the words of the young man. He scratched his head in confusion.

'What potential?'

'What was he going on about?'

Molmo dared not ponder any longer and hurriedly followed the young man.

The door to the mansion was massive, and it towered about 2 to 3 meters tall.

The gate was made of fine steel, and there were all kinds of complicated patterns engraved on it.