
Noticing Molmo's confused expression, Osse continued.

"I'm not talking about the kind of devil that parents would teach their young about. I'm not talking about the Devil that will be waiting for you in hell."

"Rather, I'm talking about the supernatural creature that wanders our world."

"Do you believe in the existence of this Devil?"

Molmo did not understand what Osse was trying to express, but he followed his gut and shook his head slowly.

As far as he was concerned, angels and the Devil were fictional beings that existed only in folklore or holy scriptures.

These scriptures could not be any more detached from the harsh reality of the world. How could Molmo believe the existence of such things?!

Oz seemed to have expected Molmo's reaction and did not think too much about it.

He continued speaking to Molmo.

"Since you do not believe in his existence, I believe the first step is to make you believe in his existence."