Max Goes on the Offensive!

'How could he be unharmed?'

'Even the strongest entity within the mountain would not be unscathed by the Blizzard Tornado that I had cast.'

'I'm certain that he didn't use any mana earlier.'

'Could he have resisted my attack with his body alone?'

'That's absolutely impossible!'

Before she could even consider the possibility, she immediately shot it down. 

After all, even Black Dragons, who were well-known for their sturdy physique, would not be able to take on her attack unassisted!

However, it only took a quick glance at Max to know that he was completely unfazed by the attacking. Not only was he unharmed and did not seem to have exerted any strength throughout the attack, he seemed to be breathing regularly, as if he was just taking a light stroll along the park!

'How can a Dragon Hatchling be this strong?'

Avril's thoughts were a mess. She could not figure out how Max had survived.