God of Metallic Dragons! Bahamut!

Buzz! Crackle! Rumble!

Lightning flashed in the sky!

In the blink of an eye, Max had already caught up to the fleeing Avril.

However, although Max's attack had succeeded, he did not manage to bite Avril's weak spot, her neck.

Had Max succeeded, Avril would be incapacitated for a full minute.

It would have been more than enough time for Max to tear Avril to shreds!

Unfortunately, the part that Max had sunk his fangs into was her wings.

Max's bite was by no means weak. Coupled with the lightning being emitted from his fangs, Max had torn open a massive hole in Avril's wings!

Avril cried out in pain, and the snowy mountaintop echoed with Avril's sorrowful cries.

The amplified Lightning Paralysis coursed through her veins and struck Avril's nerves. Although it was not as effective as biting her neck, it was enough to stun for a whole 5 seconds!

Max did not intend to let these 5 seconds to go to waste.