Immense Pressure!

Max's body was getting heavier and heavier. In just a blink of an eye, Max realized that his blood flow had been impeded greatly!

Worse still, there was no sign of it stopping!

This made Max's heart sink. No matter how strong his dragon scales were, once his organs had lost their supply of blood, they would immediately stop working!

Max was still clueless as to the blessing that Avril had received from praying to Bahamut, but what he had experienced thus far had shook him to his core.

However, regardless of the fear he felt, he still retained a calm demeanor.

He was still glaring down at Avril, and his eyes were devoid of emotion.

This was much to Avril's surprise, as she had expected Max to flee immediately.

After all, her declaration to Bahamut earlier had inflicted a huge mental strain on her. As a result of her devout prayers, Bahamut had blessed her with 2 abilities that supposedly only Ancient Dragons could use!