Avril Self-destructs!

"Had I been an Ancient Dragon like Lady Catherine, things might have gone down differently."

Avril mumbled to herself.

The next instant, Avril unleashed waves of powerful energy.

Seemingly noticing something, Max's expression changed greatly and he shouted, "Not good!"

Avril slowly closed her eyes. The next instant, her massive body gradually became transparent.

The energy she had unleashed was going rampant.

Upon noticing the vanishing Avril, Max instantly knew what was about to happen.

As the energy contained within a Silver Dragon's body became stronger, their silvery-white scales would gradually become transparent!

Avril, who was only a Young Dragon, had suddenly obtained the transparent dragon scales of the Ancient Dragons. Worse still, accompanying this change in color were waves of astounding and terrifying energy fluctuations!

She was planning to self-destruct!

Max gasped upon this realization.