The Wrath of the Owner of the Snow Mountains

An undetectable shock flashed across the eyes of the owner of the huge body.

"Avril is actually dead?"

Following that, the huge body slowly got up. As a result of its movement, avalanches happened throughout the neighboring mountains that it was in.

The owner of the huge body did not seem to mind, however. Right as the avalanches were about to occur, they suddenly stopped. It was as if someone had pressed the pause button to suppress them entirely.

Had Max spotted the massive figure, he would undoubtedly be surprised.

The entity was a dragon!

Moreover, the dragon scales on its body, which were nearly transparent, proved that it was part of the Silver Dragons!

Often times, the size of a dragon determined their strength.

An Ancient Dragon like Agatha was also 10 meters tall. At the same time, a weak dragon like Mia was no larger than an Asian dragon.