Chapter 5

"So, fernan. What did you do to marina" I smiled at him but my eyes held so much anger.

"I-i didn't do a-anything, C-c-cleara", he said sturttering.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO", i repeated.

I wasn't shocked when he kneeled in front of me.

"Forgive me Cleara! I didn't mean it!" He begged while kneeling. Head down.

I know we're being stared at, but i don't car. I'm irritated. I'm angry. I'm furious because of what he possibly did to make my friend cry. He has no right to make her cry.

"What did you do fernan.", Warning was evident on my voice. Anger is seen in my eyes.

"I-i did a mistake. I-i-i was drunk a-a-and i didn't know i-i was with this girl. T-then she saw us." Stuttering he said while clearly shivering in fear.

This mthrfockr. I will beat the &hit out of him.

"Stand up. Let's talk outside." I said and went ahead first. I know he's following me so i continued walking.

I brought him to a small corner where it's unoccupied. I stopped walking. I faced him.

I punched him in the face before he could say anything.

The punch made him sit on the floor. I know it hurts 'cuz his bloody lips are bleeding.


He stood abruptly. I punched him again. This time it landed on his left cheek.

I need to punch him to get this anger out. If i dont he might never see the sun shine again.

He staggered back.

"Do you love her fernan?"

He didn't respond. He knows who i'm talking about.

"Again, do you love her fernan!"

"Y-yes", He said.

I sighed heavily.

"Break up with marina. Just make it short and don't make her hurt so bad. Just tell her that you'll go abroad for your parent's business. If you ever tell her that i made your face like that and if you ever hurt her again. I'll make sure that you won't be seeing another bright day, you understand?"

He nodded.

"Good. Go before i change my mind and beat the hell out of you."

"T-thank you", he said and hurriedly sprinted away.

I sighed and looked at the dark sky.

I looked at my knuckles. I saw that it was red. Maybe i punched him too hard.

I wiped the blood away using ny handkerchief from my clutch bag.

I went to the opposite corner where my bagpack was and went to the store again to change my clothes.

As i was walking i couldn't help but sigh.

I tilted my head to the other side to remove a thought in my head.

I looked in front and started to walk my way home.

I immediately flopped down on the sofa.

I thought. Was it right to do that? Is it right for me to meddle in their affairs? I don't want my friend crying just because of that nonsignificant type of guy.

Tsk. We'll see when tomorrow comes.

I fished my things and tidied up to sleep.

Morrow came i woke up and cleaned myself up for work.

I waited for Rhea, the one holding the key for the cafe.

Minutes passed by and she came. We helped each other open the steel gates and inside the cafe.

Not long enough Kevin also went inside.

He greeted us.

"Good morning." We greeted back

He helped arranging the inside of the cafe. I went to the kitchen to organize the sweets and a few things.

I put them inside the glass shelf one by one. I got the cake and set it beside the others.

I completely focused my mind to what i'm doing. I didn't even hear Rhea calling me if she hadn't snapped her fingers in front of me.

"O-oh, rhea, what is it again?", I asked not yet back to reality.

"Gosh girl, i said someone's looking for you. Student, i think he's going to apply." She said

"A-ah sokay i got it." I said with a nod

"Tsk. Chill girl, okay?", She stated and laughed like a madman.

What happened to her?

My eyes set on who Rhea meant.

"Follow me." I said and turned.

We went to my office. I asked him what's needed to be asked.

So, he's slip. Male. 20 yrs old and applied part time. He's also a smiling kid and he looks jolly.

"Okay, you're hired slip.", i smiled widely

I held my hand out for a shake. He accepted it and shook my hand.

He shook my hand and i felt like it's dislocating from my shoulder. I winced secretly.

"O-okay, enough already", i said with a smile.

"O-oh! Sorry hehehe i was so excited boss." He excused

"No, it's okay I understand." Laughing, i said.

I told him we'll go outside and while exiting the room i was also orienting him about his work in the cafe.

We went to the lockers and showed him the empty spaced locker beside Kevins'.

I also gave him his uniform and apron that fits him.

I didn't struggle finding clothes that could fit him because his body composition is average. Not too fat, not too thin.

I left him inside to change. I was shocked to see Marina infront of the cashier.

I looked at the clock, she's early. Memories from yesterday came flooding my mind and it felt like something heavy fell down on me.

She might've noticed my presence 'cuz she looked at me and smiled widely. I was still shocked and all i could give her was a small smile and turned my back towards the kitchen.

Customers went inside slowly. I readied myself for their orders.

"One cappuccino and americano"

"Two large frapuccino"

"Two coffee mocha and two croissants too."

Orders came sequentially, the reason why i doubled my speed but also tripled the carefulness when making and serving their orders.

We were busy until it was almost lunch time.

I called the girls so they can have lunch.

I was in the middle of telling them when Kevin appeared in my sight. This guy's just appearing suddenly.

He stood beside me and looked at me intently. I avoided his gaze and talked to Rhea and the others.

I caught Marinas' teasing look thus i widened my eyes on her discreetly.

I asked Kevin if he'll join Marina and the others which he replied with a 'no'.

I shrugged my shoulders and told them to eat first. I went to the cashier and attended to the customer.

I gave her her take-home order and looked to the side where Kevin is.

I saw him looking at me and suddenly avoided when he noticed i was also looking at him. Tsk. This guy always.

I hid my smile. I rolled my eyes in the air because of my uncontrollable feelings. I was thankful that i could stop myself from giggling. Tsk. The heck Cleara! Focus on your work!

I shook my head and slapped my face a few times in order to be back to reality.

I looked at him again and saw his ears going red. I smiled. I bit my lower lip and looked at the cashier.

I think I'm losing my sanity.

Kevin and i are just like stealing glances from each other. We were like that until Marina and the rest came.

"What now sis? Are guys not going to eat? Are you guys just going to stare at each other all day?" Marina said naughtily with a teasing smile and eyebrows raised up and down.

My face reddened and i glared at her. She's so noisy! I'm sure Kevin heard what she said.

I looked at Kevin to see his reaction.

His ears are red and he's wiping the table fast as if he's flash (you know? The superhero?). I winced but eventually smiled.

"Kevin? Are you okay there?", Rhea asked.

Now, it's not only Kevins' ears that are red. His whole face is! Gosh. My face reddened again and giggled a bit.

I stopped when Slip and the others looked at me. I avoided my gaze with them and went to the kitchen first to eat.

Kevin and Slip joined not long after.

Oh, right. Slip haven't eaten anything too.

I readied three plates and three pairs of spoon and fork.

I gave it to them and they received it. Kevins' hand and mine touched. I didn't pay attention to it and took my hand so fast as if i was bur ed by his touch or something.

"You g-guys just get something to e-eat there." I said stuttering. I turned quickly and faced the counter where our foods were placed.

I put my right hand under my chin and furrowed my eyebrows. What should i eat?

Haysss, so many to choose from.

I looked at my plate. It's going to fit even if i get many different meals right?

I walked to the counter and get my chosen food. I looked at my left and saw Kevin and Slip also getting their meals.

I turned my attention back to my plate. I continued putting food into my plate and when satisfied of what i put in my plate i smiled and put it down the table so that i could eat.

I sat down the chair and scooped a spoonful of my meal. I consecutively scooped and ate my meals that i didn't even notice the guys sat down already if Kevin didn't talk.

"Just eat slowly. You might choke, Cleara."

His voice was full of worry that i didn't expect it and literally choked.

I coughed and covered my mouth with my hand to avoid having the food flying all over.

The two guys panicked and should've stood up if only i didn't raised my hand as a sign that I'm fine.

I coughed again a little and hemmed.

"I told you, just eat slowly." Kevin retained

I avoided from his line of vision and faced my food.

I stealthily viewed their reaction.

Slip is looking at me then back to Kevin vice versa with a confused look on his face.

While Kevin is still looking at me with worry laced in his face. Obviously still restless because of what happened.

"I'm fine, thanks." I said while smiling to stop him from worrying and for him to eat too.

He hissed sabi ko nang nakangiti para matigil ang pagalala niya at para makakain na siya.

He hissed and looked away. I smiled a bit and turned to look at slip who is now looking at me mischievously.

I looked away and started eating again.

I didn't notice i have finished my food because of my speedy eating.

When it fully dawned on me, i stood and put my plate on the sink. I went out like flash-speed when i felt him looking at me.

I sighed relief when i was out of the kitchen. I leaned on the door. I clutched on my chest wherr my heart is located. Still fine.

I tapped my chest lightly for three times. I stood properky and walked towards the girls. I don't have to bake because there are still so many pastries left.

My brows furrowed when I saw the two gurls looking at me with eyebrows going up and down with a smirk plastered on their face.

"You guys should fix yourselves." I said stiffling my smile.

"Ayieeeee!", The said in unison and tickled me on my waist. My! Just because they know I'm ticklish there!

I stopped their hands while laughing and aslo sometimes tickling them.

We only stopped when a customer came.

We greeted her but she didn't greet back, however, just raised her brows at us.

This girl is sassy. How much i wanted to also raise my brows because of her attitude i stopped myself. I keep my smile plastered on my face and elbowed the girls secretly making them go back to their positions.

Rhea moved to the cashier. I stayed beside her. Looking at the sassy and with an attitude customer.

"You have an employee called Kevin, right? Where is he." She said still sassy.

"Yes ma'am, but may I know what's your business is with my employee?", I asked still smiling.

Actually, i don't have a problem and i could call Kevin out right now but i want to know her relationship with my kevin.

Yes, my. I'm claiming my territory. Joke, just kidding.

So, anyways.

"You don't have to stick your nosy nose into our business." She said sassily and raised her eyebrows more.

I could almost feel my eyebrows twitching. I slightly cracked my knuckles and smirked a bit.

Hmm. She's an attitude.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again when the kitchen door opened.

Kevin appeared with eyes widened and panickingly went to the girl.

The girl wanted to talk but Kevin already muttered his words.

"What are you doing here?!" He took off his apron in a fast manner and put it on the counter.

He glared at the girl and held her in her arm and went out of the cafe. I saw them went to the side and when he saw me still looking he pulled the girl more to the corner where they couldn't be seen.

Who is she? Why did Kevin reacted like that? What's their relationship to each other?

Confusion was evident on my face.

My attention went to Rhea who shook my shoulder. she looked at the customer and back at me again. It took a few seconds for me to get what she signalled.

I nodded. Right! There're still customers.

I attended the newcomer. I went to the customer who looks at his watch every minute.

I took his order, same as the others.

I kept myself busy to make myself forget about what happened earlier.

Many hours have passed but Kevin have yet come back.

I did not even notice i was keeping track of the time.