Chapter 6

Hours have passed and it's almost closing time but still no sign of Kevin showing up.

Wait, why should I be worrying? I don't have anything to do with that person.

Because you like him Wen, that's why.

I shook my head as if I'm losing my sanity.

I don't like him!

Hayss. I think I'm going crazy. I'm talking to myself now.

What are you doing to me Kevin...

I shook my head again, fastly this time. I think I look mad to them right now. Because the looks that Rhea gives me are different.

They look like they're looking at someone who's ill. Wait a minute. Am I crazy?

I turned my head to the other side. Away from their direction.

I looked outside the glass window while absent-mindedly wiping the table.

I don't know what's gotten into me. I look like a puppy waiting for it's owner, looking outside the door and the glass window.

Why am I even getting affected? It's not like I like him- right?


I heavily sighed.

I was shook when Rhea suddenly appeared beside me and took the rag from my hand.

"Girl, you're cleaning that table for like forever now. You're cleaning it so much that the table's shining. What- i mean- who are you waiting for that you look like a fool there." Said Rhea

"W-what? Me? Nothing", I denied. I snatched the rag from her and went to another table.

This time I'm cleaning the table away from the view of the glass window. It's clean but I was cleaning it again. Don't they want that? The tables are shining, shimmering, splendid because of my hands.

Rhea followed me. "Tell me, you're waiting for Kevin."

It was obvious that it wasn't a question. I looked at her and told he 'no' before rolling my eyes at her playfully, but I'm like exploding inside me, my heart was beating fast and hard.

I held my smile but it seems like Rhea saw it because she laughed at me before turning her back.

I rolled my eyes at the air and what a great timing it was that my eyes landed on the wall clock.

7:55 pm

I called Slip and the others to tell them work is over and we'll wrap up. They immediately abided.

We were done cleaning and changing our clothes.

"Okay, work is done guys. Good job!" I said but my mind is going somewhere else.

They clapped. Slip went on first and I was left with the girls.

"What's the plan girls? It's friday. Wanna go clubbing?" Marina asked.

She's finding another boyfie, that I'm sure of.

"I have to go somewhere Rin. You guys go." Rhea said and looked at her wristwatch.

Maybe her bf is looking for her. I nodded at Rhea and she bid farewell after.

"How 'bout you Wen?" Marina asked while we were watching at Rhea's retreating back.

"I don't think I can come with you babe." I said smiling at her.

She pouted. "Fine, I won't go then. I don't have someone to be with me." She crossed her arms and pouted more.

Just go with her Wen, since you're planning to drink.

Hayss. "Fine, i'll join you. But we have to go home first, is that okay with you?"

Her face lightened and excitedly nodded with a wide smile on her face.

We closed the cafe and walked home.

We went inside my apartment. They have spare clothes here 'cuz they sleep here sometimes.

We went straight to my room and looked for clothes to wear.

She chose her black sleeveless croptop and high waist shorts paired with black knee high boots.

While I chose my black jeans and white sando covered with my black leather jacket and my black boots.

I brought my phone, wallet, and keys with me.

We went out after and she hailed a cab. I said we can just walk but she said 'no, i want it grand.'

I shook my head at her, went inside the cab and sat beside her.

We got off at a well-known bar. It's called Scorpions. All the rich and known people in business are here.

This is just not a bar but also a casino which is located at the back of the bar.

The bouncer let us inside after looking at us up and down.

The mixed perfume of the people inside the bar caught inside my nose. But thankfully, this isn't like the other bars that smelled like bleach or zonrox.

This is nice.

The place gives off a good vibes. People are drinking and dancing at the center. There's also a dj above the stage. There were also neon lights and other led lights that gives aesthetic to the place. Some men and women in the bar are waiters but what made me wonder was why they have a mask on their faces that half of their faces could only be seen.

This place is so mysterious.

Marina pulled me to a table full of girls. Her friends maybe.

"Girls!" Marina greeted with a wave upon nearing their table. Her friends waved back at her.

Beers and finger foods are placed at the table.

Marina pulled me to sit when she saw me just standing beside her.

I looked at her friends. They look decent. I sighed.

Marina introduced me to her friends and i gave them a smile. They offered me beer and some hard drinks that are on the table.

I smiled at them and took the beer. Marina was talking to her friend- Gwen, if i remember it correctly.

Their are four other girls beside me and Marina. They're Gwen, Kara, Mina and Chloe.

I looked around the place while listening to the girls.

They were talking about boys and stuff. I didn't really pay attention because there is only one person in my mind. Kevin.

I took a sip at the beer I'm holding to hide my smile. I shook my head and talked to the girls.

Actually, they are talking and I'm just listening. I'm just answering only if they are asking me.

My eyes went to Marina and Gwen who suddenly stood up.

"Let's dance!" They said in unison.

Chloe and Mina stood up but Kara remained sitting.

"You girls go, i'll stay here with Cleara." She said

"No, it's fine." I assured her

She shook her head and told the girls to go.

Okay, fine.

She sat beside me. "You don't frequently come to these kind of places, don't you?" She asked.

i shook my head as an answer. "Why?" she asked again.

"I'm busy about work." I said and smiled a bit

"Girl, you should take a break sometimes. Hang out with us!" She said in a jolly tone.

I smiled at what she said. I nodded to her invitation.

"So, wanna dance?" She invited

"Sure", i said while smiling.

She held my hand and pulled me towards the girls.

When they saw us they lifted their palms and gave us a high-five and continued dancing. Marina went and danced to me causing me to laugh and dance along with her.

We laughed because of the fun we're having. We danced along with the music. Not long after some guys approached us and danced behind Kara.

I looked at where he came from. I saw the table he was from, a group of boys with girls on each of their sides.

I rolled my eyes. But my sight went back again to them. To the table beside them.

A man with a half mask. The design of his mask is like those of the waiters but the color is different, it's black and gold.

Is he the one who owns this bar?

My forehead knotted when i saw he's also looking at our direction. I looked behind me and to my sides before looking back at him.

He smirked and took his drink from his table before leaning on his seat and put his left ankle on top of his right knee.

Damn, he looks hot.

I looked back to Marina who shrugged my shoulder.

"What's wrong sis?" She asked me.

I relaxed my expression and smiled at her.

"Nothing, don't worry."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, i'll go sit down for a while. Maybe I'm just tired." I told her. I told the others I'll go back to the table and they nodded before dancing again.

Walking back to our table, i looked again at where the man was earlier and didn't saw him there.

I looked infront and was shocked to see that therr was a man infront of me.

His drink, scotch on the rocks spilled on his clothes because of our impact.

"Oh sh1t!" He said, bewildered.

"Oh no. I'm sorry sir." I said asking for forgiveness and took a tissue from the nearest table and helped him cleaning his clothes.

He tsked and let me clean his clothes.

I was stunned and looked at him. He was grinning at me creepily. His eyes were droopy and i could smell the liquor coming from him.

My eyebrows almost bunped to each other when i saw his grin widening. He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest.

"Excuse me?" I said and grabbed my hand. But i couldn't because of his tight grasp. I grimaced at the pain. I looked at where Rina and the girls are and saw them dancing.

I glared at the drunkard in front of me.

"Let go of me." I warned him with authority. I glared at him.

"No way baby, you should clean the mess you made. How about a night with me? Then I'll forgive you and forget what you have done to my clothes." He said and maniacally roamed his eyes on me. My hands turned into fists.

"I don't want to." I said hard as a rock on his face.

"I know you want it baby." He said flirtily. This fvcker!

He pulled me closer to his body. I frowned at the smell of his breath and took a step back. This fvcker. I closed my eyes tightly. I clenched my fists when he pulled me closer.

I couldn't hold back anymore so i kicked him on the shin and punched him on the face. He let go of my hand and caressed his aching in between.

"You bithc!" His face was red and he stood up. He raised his palm obviously going to slap me. I couldn't move because of the shock.

I closed my eyes and waited for his palm to make contact.

He should ready his self once his palm made a contact on my face. I'll literally toss him to the table he'll see.

I clenched my fists again. And waited for his palm. I counted for a few seconds.

And when i opened my eyes i saw a tall man tightly holding the wrist of the drunkard

My eyes went to him. He's handsome. His hair was on a topknot and had this pokerface on.

The drunkard went pale to see who was holding his wrist. He looked at me- no, he looked at someone behind me.

"Are you okay?" I faced where the voice was coming from and saw it was the guy i was staring at. I looked up at him.

I was dumbfounded even though only half of his face is seen.

"Miss?" His voice was husky. I blinked my eyes and nodded.

He stared at me for a few seconds as if he was examining me before looking back behind me.

He clicked his fingers and bouncers came out of nowhere.

"Take him outside. I don't wanna see that kind of face again inside my bar." He said full of authority in his voice.

The bouncers held both of the paled guy's arms and dragged him out while he was shouting and struggling from the tight grasps of the bouncers.

"No! No! Let go of me! No!" He shouted.

I looked over to the guys with the mask.

He just bowed his head and took a step back. He turned and took sa step forward.

I blinked and held him in his arm. He stopped midway and stared at my hand on his arm.

I blinked again and abruptly took my hand away. I looked at the poker faced guy who stopped the drunkard earlier when he almost went to me but stopped when the guy in the mask raised a hand.

Who's this guy?

The guy with a top-knot hairstyle stepped back and blended with the shadows but before that i saw him smirk at the guy with a mask. Woah. He's like an assassin or like a ninja!

I looked again at the guy with the mask and saw him also staring at me as if waiting for the reason why i held his arm.

"T-thank you... For earlier." I said stuttering.

He bowed his head slightly and looked in front. He took a step aways and i was watching his retreating back blending to the group of people.

I sighed and went back to our table.

I stared at the table for a few seconds before looking around the place again to see if that guy's still around.

I sighed in disappointment when i didn't see him.

There're a few bottles of drinks in the table. I took one without looking at the label. I chugged it down until it was empty.

I took two empty glasses. Got two bottles of beer and a hard drink from the table. I also took an empty shot glass. I poured half a beer in each glass. I put the shot glass on the of the glasses before opening the hard drink and poured it in the shot glass.

I flicked the shotting glass causing it to fall diwn the other glass. I saw the bubbles forming from the fall and the blending of the drinks.

I took one and twirled it in my hand for it to mix well. I chugged it down in one. I wiped my lips wet of the drink with my back hand.

I took the other one too and gulped it down, not leaving even a drop of beer.

I made another three until there are no drinks left.

I could feel my sight swirling. I straightened from my sit. And looked where the girls are but i couldn't see them clearly because of my doubling sight.

I held my head. I need the restroom. No, i'll drink water first. I raised a hand and a waiter immediately attended me. I looked at him. My forehead creased because of his mask.

They're alike to that mysterious guy earlier.

I smiled sheepishly. I saw how the waiters' forehead wrinkle.

"Can I ask for water? Cold water? You know that? More ice. Thanks", i drunkly said. His forehead creased kore as if he's processing what I've said and walked away after.

I smirked again. I tsked and smirked again. And tsked.

I shook my head. Maybe i'm drunk. I waited for a few seconds and waited until the waiter arrived with my freezing water.

"T-thanks, anywaysh, w-here ish the reshrom?"

The knot on his forehead didn't cease but creased even more and pointed the direction. I followed with my eyes and saw the restroom also because of the women who's coming in and out.

I laughed like a crazy woman. I took my water from him and drank it, didn't leave a drop but the ice. I closed my eyes tightly for a few seconds and opened it.

Okay, i sobered a bit. I put the glass on the table. I was about to hit my head on the table and it was a relief that i had my hand to support.

I laughed again before standing. As i stood i could feel my world spinning. I took a step so i don't fall.

I laughed again. I took my jacket off because it was hot and threw it somewhere.

I faced the direction of the restroom and started walking although i was wobbling. It didn't last long and i was in the restroom. I went straight to the cubicle and meditated. I tapped my cheeks.

I stayed inside for a few minutes before going out towards the sink. I put my hands on the sink.

My other hand slipped and i almost fell but i immediately straightened again. I chuckled.

I slapped my hand on my mouth and looked around. And when i was sure that i was alone i took my hand off my mouth and put it back on the sink.

I turned the faucet on and washed my face. I looked at my reflection. Red cheeks, red lips, droopy eyes. I look ugly, swollen. I washed my face to lessen the heat i feel.

I took some tissue and wiped it on my face before throwing it on the bin and went out.