Chapter 4

In the Demon world...

There was a particular demon looking at his crystal bead, in that big bead he saw Rose trying to cross the ocean to the forest.

He smirked as he looked at her face "This woman is so brave" He mumbled as he kept looking at her. He should try to scare her a bit, she wasn't supposed to be there. She was a human and she could get killed if other demons found her.


Long time ago, the demons were part of humans, they lived amongst humans and also in time of war, They were so useful as they help to conquer their enemies during war.

Humans were so ungrateful, after using them as a tool for fighting in a battle, the king declared that the demons should be killed since he assumed they were evils. The demons were generally categorized as two; the good ones and the bad ones. The good ones did not do anything to harm the humans Instead they tried to be friends with them. Those demons have pair of green eyes and their eyes turn deep blue whenever they were angry at something, they come from snakes and they are the least demons, they were not as powerful as the red eyed demons.

The bad ones were the ones killing the humans, they believe they own the world and the world was not meant for the humans. Their eyes are red normally and they turn Purple whenever they are angry, these demons come from dragons and they were the powerful ones. The king at that time ordered for the demons to be killed either good or bad. The demons were always hot tempered. Some demons escaped, and the ones that were killed were thrown into the ocean at the Mount Laurel.

That was why nobody was allowed to go to that ocean or anywhere near the forest since the remaining of the demons were lurking around there. After some years they started producing books that contains stories of demons and witches and The king ordered for those books to be burned and nobody should ever write books like that.

Because he believed that some stubborn humans would still go to the ocean or go in search for them.

The day that he feared had actually come to pass because it was one of his generations that was looking for the demons now, and that would result in a fierce battle between the two clans. The battle would be infinity and it would lead to the annihilation of the humans since they were weak compared to how strong the demons were.

The truth was that it was actually Lord Nathan that kept the book on the road where Princess Rose was passing in one of her adventures. Lord Nathan knew the day was coming and since the princess loves to read stories he kept it there. When the princess was passing by she glanced at the road at that time and found it, she picked it up seeing that it was a book she kept it with her, she did not bother to check the cover.

When she got home she cleaned it and the book was shining red, but there was something about the book, it was locked, she tried to open it but it did not.

Thinking that it had one kind of special lock she kept it aside even though she was eager to read it. When she was sleeping, Lord Nathan appeared and opened the book with a leaf before disappearing.

'Strange' she thought, when she woke up and saw the book opened, she began to read it, even though she knew she was not supposed to read it, she even kept it with her for some obvious reasons she didn't know about.

The demon that was looking at the bead said some words aloud into it and he laughed.


I was still on the rope walking gently and not looking down, after a minute I heard a noise, it was coming from the water below, now I heard a menancing laughter erupt from the water.

I did not know why but when I looked down to check If someone was there, a strong breeze blew and I was falling down. My eyes widened, I was falling into the water, I did not reach the forest at all. 'would I die this way?' I asked my self.

Unconsciously I screamed, "Loooord Nathaaan" I screamed loudly, I didn't know why but his name came to my head first. He was one of the bad demons and I had yelled his name, I hoped he didn't hear me.

Before I knew it, I was in the forest, how I got here I didn't know but I am sure that the bad demon heard me. I looked around looking for the tree, 'strange' I thought. All the trees looked the same. I walked further and I could feel something following me.

I looked around until my eyes landed on a particular tree it has a hint of red, that red was a pair of eyes that appeared in two, it was following me. Raging that this tree would not leave me alone, I grabbed my sword quickly and slashed it and I heard a loud laugh.

"You have a bad temper princess" I heard and sharper than ever I turned my head to the place it was coming from.

As soon as my eyes landed on him, my jaw dropped, he was so handsome, that was an understatement to describe this man features, he was a feast to the eyes, he was breath taking, he had red or should I say wine eyeballs, thick eyebrows,long black hair that spread across his shoulders, pointed and sharp nose, his ears were normal but the book said they were pointed and pierced with earrings but it looked normal and he was so handsome and breathtaking.

"You were looking for me?" He asked in a beautiful yet deep voice and I stopped ogling at him. I reminded myself that he was a bad demon. I should have called for Lord Zach. 'why am I so stupid' I asked myself.

"Trust me, he is much worse than I" Nathan said reading my mind, of course he could he was a demon and I creased by forehead. The book said that Nathan is more cruel and hostile.

Ignoring what he said I decided to go straight to the point as there was no time to waste.

"Did you want me to stop the time for you?" he asked me.

"Can you do that?" I asked him, the book did not say anything like that.


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