Chapter 5

"Can you do that?" I asked him, the book did not say anything like that.

"That book didn't say everything" he said .

"Would you stop reading my mind?, you are invading my privacy" I snapped at him, I shouldn't be doing this, but I was annoyed by the fact that he was invading my privacy.

"Okay princess" he replied and smiled. Nathan in the book doesn't smile but why was he smiling now?.

"I stopped it already, see" he showed me a tree, the leaf was supposed to fall since but it hung in the air.

"Okay, what do you want princess?" he asked me.

"I want you to help me" I said.

"What for?" he asked and I creased my forehead, he knew what I wanted so why was he asking?, does he love annoying me that much.

"Let's go to my house" he said trying to pull me closer but I yanked my arms away.

"what for?, can't we say it here" I snapped back at him. I wasn't familiar with the demon and he was asking me to go with him, that is so impossible.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" He asked with a cold tone, he started emitting a very dangerous aura, I felt goosebumps on my skin as I watched him, he looked so intimidating and freighting.

I could see he was getting angry since his beautiful deep voice had change, I gulped as I stared at him, why was he suddenly coercive?.

"O-okay" I stuttered, he opened his arms towards me.

He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me, I shouldn't be doing this but I did, so that he would help me, I took in his manly scent and I smiled, I wanted to be in his arms forever, they felt so strong and...I felt safe with him.

Lord Nathan mumbled some words and before I knew it I was in his house. His house is very big I could tell, I was probably in his room, his room was painted wine and some other colors but it was beautiful, yes just like him.

"Seems like you enjoy it when I hold you like this" He said to me, realizing that we were still in this ackward position, I pushed him away and All he did was to smirk at me.

"sit down" he urged and I sat down on the couch, it was so soft and I liked it.

He poured me a glass of water and gave it to me, I raised my left eyebrow at him. Does he take me for a fool?, I just met him a while ago and he thought I would drink his water.

"I don't want" I told him, glancing everywhere but not his side.

"I know you are thirsty, just drink it" he said.

"Okay, I know you can read my mind, can you just stop that, it is getting annoying". I told him and he dropped the water on the table, he sat on his bed with his long legs crossed as he stared at me with those red eyeballs.

"Let us go straight to the point, so that we can end this drama once and for all" I told him and he smiled.

I wanted him to know the radical reason that I came to meet him for.

"Okay" he said slowly, I didn't expect him to be so calm and composed, he kept staring at me and I could feel his gaze trailing down my body.

"it's like this, I want you to help me, we want to fight against my uncle's kingdom tomorrow, I don't know whether night or morning. Half of our men were killed by him and he sent us a note that he would get his revenge from my father, since he was exiled from our Kingdom" I said in one breath.

"Who did you want to save in particular, your family or your entire kingdom?" Lord Nathan asked.

"Well, the entire kingdom, I want everyone to be save in the hands of my Uncle" I said. He looked at me again. I could not tell what he was thinking but I knew he was thinking about something.

'she seems nice' Lord Nathan thought.

"What if you can't get out of here?, how would you save your kingdom when you cant save yourself?" He asked, he wanted to see her reaction but she just raised an eyebrow at him. 'does that means that she is not scared of me' he asked himself.

"I am sure you are not thinking of bringing trouble on yourself, you can't keep me here" I said and he smirked, only if she knew the kind of man he was, she wouldn't dare to say that to him.

"Oh really?" he asked me and I nodded at him. A lady entered and she bowed at Nathan.

"Lord Nathan, Lord Zach is here" she said before bowing again, she took her leave and Afterwards, Zach entered, I stared at him, he was also handsome but not as lord Nathan, the man or guy because he looks young was very breathtaking, his scent was a killer that could drive women crazy.

"Oh I didn't know you have a guest" he said.

He tilted his head and looked at me as if realizing something his face darkened and his fist clenched.

Seeing this I hurried to Nathan's back while Nathan just smirked. 'she said she wasn't afraid' he thought.

"Nathan, you brought a human in here, have you forgotten the king said he would kill any human if he should see them?. You went ahead to bring a princess" he said as he tried to control his anger. This is bad, thank goodness I hadn't called him before or I would die that time.

He couldn't.get why the demon did something so outrageous, he was the prince no doubt, but why does he want to go against his father's law?.

"She came here..." Nathan said and I quickly covered his mouth, he wanted to say that I came here myself and that would only enrage the already raged demon.

Zach shot me an angry look, his deadly aura surrounded the room as he stared at me with those piercing red eyes, I wondered if everyone here was like this, they were cold and they emitted dangerous aura.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Nathan asked.

"I just came to check on you" Zack said.

"I am fine now, you may leave" after Nathan said those words Zach laughed, he was surprised the demon sent him away because of a human .

"You are sending me away because of a human?" he asked. "Anyways I would leave even if you don't ask me to, my hands are itching" he said and stood up to leave hastily.

I knew what he meant by his hands were itching, to break bones, my bones, chill ran down my spines as I slowly sat on the couch, I raised my legs up and pulled closer to my chest as I wrapped my arms around it, Nathan had the urge to laugh, she said she wasn't scared. she looked like the rat going to a lion's den. Nathan watched her as she became incoherent for a while.

"You wanted to call him before am I right?, you would have been dead long ago" he said.

"Are you going to help me or not?" I asked carefully, I couldn't afford to mess with him, he was the most cruel of them all.

"Yes I would but on one condition" he said. I knew he would ask for something in return, there was no free lunch at all. I just hoped whatever he asked for won't be something like killing my parents, I valued their life over mine.

"What do you want in return?" I asked him but he stared at me, looking at me intently with his striking red eyes.

"I don't know yet, but promise me, whatever it is you would give me" he said.

"I hope it is not something bad like killing?" I asked him.

"No it is not" he replied.

"Okay I promise" I said.

"Deal?" he asked.

"Deal" I said.

"There is no going back, you can't renege the deal" he told me.

"Yes" I replied.

He snapped his fingers together and something appeared on the table, I looked down at it and I saw a blade and a bowl of water.

"Cut your finger and let your blood into the water" he told me and I did as I was told. He also did the same, 'strange' his blood is red also but they were sparkling, not like mine. His finger healed immediately from the cut.

He stirred the blood in the water with his index finger, he drank half and he gave the remaining to me and I drank it.


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More love❤️❤️❤️