Chapter 9

Since Uncle had blocked all our bombs, what we kept doing was to fight with them. Almost all our men were down and Uncle's men were still much.

"Lord Nathan, where are you?" I mumbled to myself. Uncle had the upper hand now, and I couldn't see the demon. Where was he?.

After some minutes, the sky began to rumble and thunder could be heard, the sky became darker, very dark and I could see red lightning from the sky as it struck uncle's men, half of them died due to that impact.

"Looks like the heavens are helping me, they don't want you alive either" My father yelled at his brother as they clashed their swords together.

Now I could see Nathan, his eyeball had turn purple and his ears were pointy with earrings pierced on it. I panicked, I could see him,? why did he make himself visible?.

"Only you can see me, it's because of the blood you drank" I heard in my head. Good, that was good, I focused on the men and kept fighting with them.

I saw balls of angry fire coming from the sky where Nathan was. The fire hit most of my Uncle's men and most of them were down.

Nathan had made up his mind to deal with the Uncle so he sent a gentle wind to princess Rose, her father and their men back inside their gate. Nathan built back the iron gate that fell open before and locked it using his powers, the king looked stunned for a moment, he couldn't.believe what was happening.

With his powers, he controlled each of them and they started killing each other. After some minutes, only Yue, Jea and some other guards could be seen, Nathan sent a whirlwind to them as it finished his job. The whirlwind had destroyed the Uncle and the remaining men, their bodies could be seen as they were torn, the horses were not spared either. Nathan raised all the dead bodies with his index finger and when he snapped them together, they all turned to dust.

The sky now became clear as Nathan went away. Rain began to fall heavily and we went back to the castle. Everybody was tired from the fierce battle. We couldn't have won if the demon had not helped us. The demon was just too powerful. I wonder if a war was to ensue between the two clans. Just one demon would wipe them out without wasting most of his energy.

The only thing I had to settle now was the deal i made to Lord Nathan, I wanted to end this once and for all, so that It would go back to the way it was and I would have nothing to do with the demons again. I just hoped that I would be able to give him what he asked for.


I was in my room already, I took my bath and wore my pink nightgown, ready to sleep. I crawled on the bed, using the blanket to cover myself, I closed my eyes as fell into a deep slumber.

The next day, I walked through the halls as I had taken my bath already, combed my hair and I wore a white gown with some paint on my lips, and I could see the king with the Queen celebrating with the elders on their success on repelling from the battle. Father noticed me...

"Rose, why don't you join us?" he asked me, even mother nodded towards me to come. I don't like stuffs like this as I preferred to be alone right now. I went to my father and whispered into his ears.

"I have something to take care of" I told him, even though I had nothing to take care of, I just wanted to be alone at this moment. Father waved his hands at me sending me away. I quickly went away before anyone would call me back.

I went to our garden and started walking along the flowers, I loved walking among flowers and I admired them a lot since when I was a child. I could feel someone watching me, I turned my head to look at who was staring at me. I saw him standing there looking at me. Why was he always stalking me?,.

I gasped as I realized something, anyone could come here at anytime. I quickly grabbed his arms and pulled him to the back.

"Why are you so scared of someone seeing the two of us together?" he asked.

"You are asking me why?, don't you know that we are not meant to meet your kind" I told him worried that they might see us.

"You came to me yourself, didn't you?" he asked me as he removed a flower from my hair and I glared at him.

"It was because I needed help, if not for that, I don't want to have anything to do with you" I told him plainly.

He shouldn't think that anything was between them, I just needed to complete everything and go back to the way it was before, I was tired of this demon stalking me.

"About the deal, what do you want in return?" I asked him not wanting to delay it anymore.

Nathan thought for a while as he stared at me, he seemed to be thinking about something. He was contemplating whether he should tell her now or later. At last he made up his mind, he could not wait to have her.

It was because of her that he did all this and now he wanted her in return, would she agree to be with him?, he doesn't know so he prepared his heart and mind for what he would hear.

He did not even listen to her thoughts afraid that it would shatter him. At least, listening to her thoughts instead of her saying it was much better. He heard that someone was coming so he quickly pulled her for a hug before disappearing.

Teleporting inside her room, he gathered his courage and finally blurted it out. "Give me your heart" he said.


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More love❤️❤️❤️