Chapter 10

He stared at me and I could tell that he was thinking of something, I don't know what he was thinking of. Nathan was contemplating whether he should tell her or not. He finally made up his mind to tell her. When he heard that someone was coming, he quickly pulled her in for a hug and disappeared with her.

I was startled by the sudden hug but when I saw that we were in my room, I guessed that someone was coming that was why he quickly pulled me and teleported into my room and he suddenly blurted out something.

"Give me your heart" he said, I was stunned by the sudden request, and I blinked a few times before it registered in my head what he meant.

"Sorry?" I asked again unsure of what he asked for. He didn't mean it or did he?.

"I want your heart" He said louder this time, I creased my forehead as I stared at him, why the hell would he ask for that?.

"Why would you ask for that, maybe you should think again or give yourself some days to think so that you can ask for something better" I said nonchalantly.

He smirked at me and I could tell by that smile of his, what he asked for could not be changed.

"I have made up my mind, that is what I want" he said plainly.

"Why would you want my heart?, you know there is no way I would let that happen" I said and he let out a loud laugh.

"You are not thinking of going back on your words, are you?" he asked as he tilted his head to one side. Does she want to renege their deal?.

"we can't be together, why ask for something that is not possible?" I asked him, this wasn't sinking well in my head.

"If I don't care that much about it, why should you?" he snapped at me, I could tell that he was getting angry at me. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Lord Nathan, please reconsider your request, you should think about this carefully" I told him. I knew that I was selfish, I had told him to ask of anything. And out of everything he asked for. He asked for this.we would create an endless battle if this happens.

"I want your love, your care, your admiration, your affection, it should be given only to me, there is no way I am changing that, I have made up my mind from the start" he said slowly as he waltzed towards me, his every moves aroused me, but I stopped myself from doing something stupid.

"What did you mean by from the start, you already knew that this was going to happen?" I asked him wide eyed.

"Yes" he replied shortly as he smirked, he didn't care if there would be a battle to infinity, he just wanted this woman. Oh God, what a mess I have created, I made a deal with him already and I couldn't renege it.

"You told me to ask for anything besides killing, and I asked for this, why is it so hard for you to do your part of the deal, I have done mine already, so why can't you?" he asked me as he stepped forward and I stepped backwards until my back hit the walls. He placed his hands at the sides of my body and I could feel his hot breath on my face. He stared at me with his red eyeballs and I got lost staring at them and then my gaze landed on his lips, unconsciously I licked mine.

"Hmm?" he asked me.

"I...I" my words stuck in my throat, I didn't know what to say, how I wish it was as easy as it seems but this wasn't easy at all.

Me loving the demon would create a war between the two clans and he said he doesn't care. But I care, the humans can be wiped off easily by the demons if there was a war. Why am I protecting my people if I would bring a great misfortune on them later. This is bad, I can't do this.

Someone knocked on the door and I panicked. Nathan leaned on me and I could feel his hot breath on my face and now my ear,"Think about it, I would be back" he whispered before vanishing.

Mother entered the room, she looked around as if she was looking for something or someone.

"Were you talking to someone?" she asked me.

"No" I told her as I sat on the bed opening my book pretending as if I was reading it.

"But I was hearing voices, in your room" she said.

"mother calm down, you might be hallucinating, I am talking to no one in here" I told her and she sighed.

"Are you sure?" she asked me and I gave a simple nod. She turned around to leave. I breathed out, that was close, what if she had seen the demon here?, she would have been so furious.

I closed the book and kept it on the bed, I started pondering about what Lord Nathan said. I kept looking for reasons why I would be with him but there was none. I couldn't sacrifice the whole of my kingdom because of the deal we made. Humans despise the demons, the same way the demons despised the humans.

"Why would he ask for my heart?" I asked myself. Does he really mean it or he wants to use it to get something else.

Of all the demons, I fell into the trap of the most cruel of them all. What if I told him I couldn't do it and he gets angry and wipes out my entire family, I shouldn't have done this. But If I didn't do this, we would have died in the hands of my Uncle or even be his slaves by now.

I laid on my bed trying to think straight but I couldn't come up with a good idea. Would I really love a demon?, this was something that is outrageous and I couldn't talk to anyone about this because it would entirely be my fault, I went to meet him, I had a deal with him and when he helped me already I couldn't give him what he wants.

I started thinking about that book, could the princess in the book really be me?, was the book talking about me and Nathan. I really don't know what to do now, my head was messed up already.

I quickly went to the bath to prepare a cold one so that I could relax. After sliding into the cold bath, I finally got an idea. If I could get the demon to lose interest in me maybe he would reconsider his request and ask for something that was simple.


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More love guys❤️❤️❤️