Chapter 13

"E..Ehem" father coughed and we quickly stood up. I was embarrassed that he caught us in this intimate position.

"what are you two doing?" he asked and I blushed harder.

"Nothing father" I said as I raised up my head to look at him. He observed me for a moment, no, it was the two of us. He looked at us closely and then he spoke.

"Raya, what do you think about my daughter Rose?" he asked the prince, the prince glanced at me, he quickly turned his head to father and bowed.

"The princess is very kind and caring" he answered my father as he bowed his head.

"Rose, what do you think about him" father asked me. I also did the same thing, I glanced at him before speaking.

"He is very honest and polite, l would love to be with him" I replied.

"Would you like to be with my daughter?" My father asked as he looked at Raya and Raya nodded.

"Then it is decided, you both are getting married next tommorow" he said. I looked at my father wide eyed, even though I liked Raya, I did not think that the marriage would be this early..I looked at Raya and he smiled at me, I returned his smile.

"Did you agree with my father, don't worry if you think it is too early, I would talk to him, he would listen to me" I told him.

"I agree with him, I would also like to get married to you as soon as possible, so don't worry, I have no problem that it is too early" he said and smiled at me.

"Okay then, which means we won't see each other tommorow?" I asked him and he nodded. I entwined my fingers with his as we kept talking in the garden. when it was time for him to go, he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips and waved at me as he left.


"Your highness, you would be getting married soon" Kate beamed, she was truly happy for me and seriously I was going to miss her..she was not only my maid but also my best friend. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy for me and I couldn't help but cry with her, I was going to miss her.

"It's okay your highness, you are going to get married which is a good thing and I would always root for your happiness" she said as she smiled, she quickly cleaned my tears with her thumb and I did the same for her.

When we finished talking, mother knocked on the door, she smiled as she walked in.

"My dear rose is going to get married" she beamed and I hugged her.

"Mother don't worry I am going to visit you" I told her, I couldn't bear to stay away from her, I loved her so much.

"No, you can't do that, don't worry, you would not even miss me that much because I am sure Raya would take good care of you" she said as she patted me, I placed my head on her chest and she kept patting my back and running her fingers through my long hair.

"Rose, I don't want you to fight with your husband no matter what, it is not good for a woman to do that, always stay strong to support him, learn to support his decisions, always take good care of him and try to understand him, you should always have trust in him" Mother told me and I nodded in response.

"Trust and love is the main key to a successful marriage, when there is lack of trust between the two of you, your marriage will not work and you would get tired of it" She told me and I nodded again.

"Don't forget anything I told you" she said.

"Okay mother" I replied her.

"Okay, I would leave you to sleep" she said and I laid on my bed as she went out of my room.


The next day passed by with mother busy handling the preparations for my marriage, I didn't do any work as I stayed in my room throughout the day, reading and eating. I had totally forgotten about Lord Nathan that I did not do my part of the deal.

I calmed myself down, if he comes next time I would just tell him that I am getting married and I am unable to give him what he wants.


Finally, today is my wedding day, I stared at myself in the mirror. My maid Kate already dressed me up in my red gown. My hair was frizzled as it fell across my shoulders, I had red paint on my lips and the makeup was perfect allowing me to be more prettier than my usual self. I had some diamond jewelries on my neck and ears and also my wrist.

"Your highness it is time" Kate said and I nodded at her. I walked with grace and elegance through the all, keeping my chin high in the air and intimidating others with my beauty.

I bowed to the king and queen. Father gestured for me to sit down and I did as I was told. Soon the groom entered and I heard gasp among the people and I turned my head to look at him, I could see Raya, he was looking more handsome than usual.

He went to my parents and bowed his head to them, Father gestured him to sit near me. I quickly looked down as I heard his footsteps near me. "You look beautiful today" he whispered and I blushed.

"Thank you" I replied, staring at my hands because I was feeling nervous, in a good way.

"Let us celebrate my daughter's wedding today with Prince Raya of Rayda" the king announced as he raised his cup in the hair "Let the ceremony begin" he said.

People cheered and danced, I enjoyed the music a lot and the dancers performed wonderfully. Now it was time for us to exchange gifts, we ex changed our gifts and now it is time for me to go to my new home.

Mother called me and told me not to forget what she told me while father spoke to Raya.. After the ceremony, it was time to go home with Prince Raya. I waved goodbye to my mother and she waved back at me, I smiled at my father and he gave me a nod to go ahead.


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More love❤️❤️❤️