Chapter 14

Raya stretched his hands forward for me, I gently placed my hands in his as I entered the carriage and Raya entered also and now I was going to my new home.

We kept talking in the carriage but I noticed something, he was avoiding to look at me. He kept his head low so that I wouldn't see his eyes and I became worried.

"Raya" I called softly, he had asked me to call him using his name and I did so, since we were now married.

"Yes" he answered me, still looking down. I used my hands to lift his face so that I would see him better.

"Aren't you happy that you are married to me?" I asked him.

"Of course I am" he said. I noticed something, his eyeballs were changing already.

"What happened to your eyes?, they are changing colors" I told him, I wasn't scared instead I was worried that something else was happening to him. The carriage had stopped now and I looked outside the window, we stopped in front of a forest, why?.

I turned my head to look at him, to ask why we stopped in the front of a forest. But I was shocked, his eyeballs were red now and I could see a red shining mark on his neck, I looked closely, they looked like words but I couldn't read or understand them.

"Raya, what is happening to you?" I asked him as tears filled my eyes,why was he changing?.

"Rose stop crying" he said, even his voice had changed, they were deeper now. I came down from the carriage, I was scared now, yes I was scared, what was happening to Raya?.

He stepped closer to me and I stepped back, I kept stepping back. I looked at his neck. I saw a ruby ring clamped together with a chain, I went ahead to look at his face but I was shocked even more.

"L....lord Nathan?" I asked. He stepped forward and I kept stepping backwards. This was just too much for me to take in. First, it was Raya, now it was this demon.

"Are you so surprised to see me?" he asked me and I shook my head. I really did not understand what was going on anymore. My head was spinning, I wasn't even thinking, I just ran into the forest.

I kept running and running while Nathan was calling for me, I kept on running and running until my feet started aching. I did not even bother to stop or look back. My brain had completely broken down, it was my legs that was working on its own.

I kept on running and running deep into the thick forest. When I was tired, I sat at the foot of the tree to steady my breath. I looked at my foot they were bleeding, this was very familiar. This was exactly the same dream I had, but I wasn't wearing my wedding dress in the dream.

I stood up to run and I felt an arm around my waist as it pulled me closer.

"Found you" he said.

"Did you think you can run away from me?" he asked as he made the same movements he made in my dream, he used his fingers to trace my lips, I bit his finger hard.

"Did you think that would hurt me?" he asked the same questions, I now realized that the person I was running away from in my dream was him, the demon, Lord Nathan.

Expecting the loud and menancing laugh to come from him but I heard none, I wasn't even thrown to the ground like I was thrown in the dream I had.

He kept holding my waist with his arms as he teleported us into his house, his room.

"You really like this position, wife, I guess I would be doing this more often" he said and I released myself quickly from his arms.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked in a demanding tone. This wasn't sinking well in my head. I married the demon?, my parents had married me to this demon?.

"What kind of question are you asking wife, we are married now, where else do you want to be?" he said.

"Where is Raya?" I asked him and he smirked at me.

"I am Raya" he said and I couldn't believe what he said.

"Wife, please si..." he said and I cut him off straight away.

"Don't call me that, I am not your wife" I told him. He raised his left eyebrow at me and I could see that he was amused.

"I just married you in front of your parents and you are saying that you are not my wife, if it is not you then who else?" he said as he waltzed towards me.

"Stay back...don't come any closer" I said as I raised my hands to create a large space between us.

"I didn't marry you, I married Raya" I said to him.

"And Raya is me, which means that you married me" he said.

"Why didn't you marry me with your normal appearance?, you disguised as someone else, I would never marry you" I snapped back at him.

"I think that you are tired, that is why you are saying nonsense, just rest a little so that you can understand everything" he said as he pulled me to the couch.

"Do you want to eat anything?" he asked me but I ignored him.

"Rose..."he called me but I cut him off again.

"Don't call my name" I snapped at him angrily, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Would you like it if I called you, wife?" he asked me.

"Don't call me that either" I told him.

"Oh, do you prefer endearments like love, honey or.?." he asked as he trailed off.

"Don't call me that" I told him, I didn't even know why I was answering him.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" he asked me. I didn't even answer him as I ignored his question.


More love ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Did you guys think that Raya was Nathan?. Please leave comments.

The next chapter would explain how the demon turned to Raya.

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