Chapter 16

The sky was dark and I was still in Lord Nathan's house, I still couldn't believe it that I had married this demon. It was something that would not sink into my head no matter what. I knew that this way I would be able to do my part of the deal. But if it wasn't this way, how would I do it?,.

Marry my husband and have an affair with the demon?, that wasn't good, it was better this way, My parents also didn't know and they handed me over to Lord Nathan, no, Raya.

But Lord Nathan and Raya are the same person, he deceived me, he had lied to me. Whether it was the demon or Raya I hate both of them.

He had asked me to give him my heart, I would do the exact opposite while I was in his house since he deceived me.

I was still thinking when Nathan wrapped his arms around my waist. I panicked and tried to get out of his hold but he was just too strong for me. I decided not to fight anymore but see what he was going to do next.

"Wife, shouldn't you sleep by now, why are you still up?" he asked me but I did not answer him. He should keep on ranting while I would be ignoring him.

He turned me around so I would face him, he raised my chin up with his long and thin finger so that I could look into his eyes.

"Why are you ignoring me?" he asked me and I had the urge to scoff at him.

"Don't forget I can listen to whatever you are thinking about" he said and I smirked at him. 'That is your luck, listen to my thoughts, I don't care'.

"Let us sleep now it is getting late already" he said and pulled me towards the bed.

"Are we sleeping together, on the same bed?" I asked him and I saw a mischievous smile on his face.

"Of course, would you like to sleep with someone else aside your husband?" he asked. Husband?, that didn't go well in my ears.

"I can't sleep with you" I told him and he creased his brows.

"Why not?, where are you going to sleep if not beside me?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I would sleep on the couch, rather than sleeping next to you" I snapped at him, walking towards the bed, I grabbed the pillow and then I went back to the couch. I laid on the couch and put the pillow at the back of my head, I even turn my back at him while sleeping on the couch as I failed to notice his darkened face.

Nathan nodded his head, he wouldn't expect any less from me, he would have to bear all this until I submitted myself to him. He doesn't know why but it felt really painful for him, seeing that she was ignoring him.

He laid on his bed and he kept glancing at her every now and then. He was thinking whether he should carry her to the bed.

But what if she wakes up and she gets mad at him for carrying her. He closed his eyes ready to sleep that was when he saw her turning to his side and turning back again with creased forehead. She was uncomfortable in that position. He couldn't watch her like that so he went to the couch and gathered her in his arms then he brought her back to the bed and gently lay her on it.

He was careful enough not to make a single noise to wake her up. He laid beside her but far from her so she wouldn't wake up and see him very close to her..... He closed his eyes and slept.

When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I was on the bed, I guessed that he had carried me here and I felt really thankful for that. I was not comfortable on that couch. I stretched my arms as I yawned, the bed was really soft and I liked it but I won't be sleeping on it since Nathan would sleep on it.

I looked around and saw that Nathan wasn't there, I should be feeling relieved but I wasn't. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said and I saw a young lady, she was very beautiful.

"I am here to serve you my lady" she said as she bowed her head. When she saw that I didn't say anything, she said:

"I was assigned by Lord Nathan to serve you"

"Okay" was my short reply.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

"Rayna, my lady" she said.

"Okay, prepare me a hot bath" I said and she left to prepare it.

"your highness it is ready" she said and I slipped out if my dress. I went into the bath and she started washing my hair. I felt really good, I loved the way she massaged my body also.

After taking my bath, she dried my hair and braided it into two. she showed me two dresses and I picked the pink one with floral designs. The dress was very pretty, it was a off shoulder gown with pink flowery roses around it, and also the rope that was used to hold the cloth was tied at my back tightly.

"My lady, where would you like to have your breakfast" she asked me

"Just bring it here" I told her, she nodded and left..

Shortly, she came back with the food, I was served boiled eggs, potatoes, meats...

I started eating my food, the food was very tasty and I liked it, I actually liked everything that was here except for someone.

After finishing my food, I asked my maid Rayna to show me around the house since Nathan wasn't here to do that. The house was very big as it was painted white, red and some other colors that enhanced it's beauty.

There was also a garden and it was very beautiful with different flowers ranging from lilies, dandelions, prim rose, roses, sunflowers.... There was also a large kitchen in the house and at the top there was a veranda there where you can watch the sunrise. The veranda was designed with beautiful flowers, I really loved this place..


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