Chapter 17

I went back to my room after I looked around the whole house, I saw some books in his library so I decided to pick one of them to read. I went back to my room to start reading, when I opened the door, I saw him sitting on the bed smiling at me. I hid the book behind my back, hiding it from him.

"I know that you took it, why hide it again? he asked me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Should I ask the maids to bring more of them for you?" he asked me.

"No, I don't want" I told him.

"You did not bother to ask where I went this morning" he said.

"I don't want to know" I snapped back at him as I lowered my head to read.

"You did not do your part of the deal, do you know that?" he asked me.

I raised up my head to look at him this time, does he love disturbing me that much?

"I am here already, haven't I done my part already" I told him.

"I don't think there is anything between us anymore" I said to him again.

He smirked at me and I could see a painful expression on his face, what was paining him, i don't know, I don't care either.

"Do you really want to get even with me that much?, too bad we are married, you said you've done your part but that isn't true, I asked for your heart" he said.

"You don't expect me to love you already with what you did, you deceived me" I told him and I could see that he was getting angry.

"You left me no choice, I told you to think about it earlier didn't I?, if you had agreed to what I said, I wouldn't have deceived you" he snapped back.

"In fact, I didn't deceive you, I was just getting what I want for helping you, we had a deal, didn't we?, when I did my part and I expect you to do the same, you turned your back on your words, now I am getting what I want!, you can't blame me for that!!" he yelled at me.

"This is just part A of my plan" he said as he stomped out of the room angrily. He even slammed the door. I kept watching the place that he left just now.

I was feeling abashed and I felt like crying, crying because nobody shouted on me like the way he did just now, what he said really hurt me. I felt like a bad person after hearing what he said. I didn't do my part of the deal. I was also angry, angry that he had deceived me.

I guess I was more sad than angry, I was sad throughout the day and I couldn't do anything. I just laid on the bed facing the ceiling. He spoilt my day with the heavy words that he bombarded at me. I thought back at what he said. He said part A of his plan and I could not help but worry, what was he planning to do next?. Would he wipe out my family because I did not give him what he asked for?.

The sun was setting and Nathan did not come to his room, I was getting worried so I left the room to look for him.

why I was looking for him? I don't even know, even if I saw him what would I say?, I decided to go back to my room after checking the library, the garden and also the veranda. 'Where else would he be?', I asked no one in particular.

I went back to my room but I didn't see him there, I ate my food alone and went to take my bath. I wore only my night gown as I laid on the bed.

Afterwards, Nathan came into the room, I pretended to be asleep, I used the blanked to cover myself. He crawled to his side and laid there. I didn't open my eyes and I felt him coming closer to me, what was he going to do?,

He put his arms around my waist and he gently tuck the strand of hair on my face behind my ears so that he would see my whole face. I felt him put his head on my chest and hugged me tight, I stiffened but later I relaxed under his touch.

"Rose, I am really sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean to shout on you like that, please forgive me" he said. I could not believe that he was apologizing to me, I was the one that wronged him, I was the one that caused this, I should be apologizing to him.

His hair was on my nose and mouth and they smelled really nice. But because they were on my nose and mouth I felt the urge to sneeze. I was not able to stop myself as I sneezed.

"Attttchheeeew" I sneezed and he released me quickly. His arm was still around my waist so I removed it away and I turned my back on him. He sighed as he laid on his back, he really had a long way to go, even if she was beside him now, on his bed, she was still far away from him. He doesn't know how to go about this as he hadn't fallen in love before.

She was his first love and the only woman that had managed to move his heart, he would only love her and no one else. Even If she didn't love him now, he would make sure to make her fall in love with him and he would do anything to make sure it was possible. He closed his eyes and slept beside me.

I looked back to check if he was sleeping already and yes, I was right he was. How would I love this man?, was there anything that would make me love him?, I asked myself as I shook my head.

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Rose and Nathan: we love you ❤️❤️❤️