Chapter 18

The next morning....

"Good morning, wife" Nathan greeted me, I didn't know how to reply so I just shut my mouth instead. I got up from the bed to go to the bathroom, I felt him pull me as we fell on the bed together.

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" he asked me but I said nothing.

"You heard everything that I said last night, didn't you?" he asked me and I shook my head in denial. He raised his left eyebrow at me.

"You weren't even sleeping" he told me, all I did was to nod my head. we heard a knock on the door, I wanted to get up but he held me down and I fell on him again.

"Where do you think you are going?" he whispered to me in my ears and I couldn't help but curl my toes because of his hot breath near my ear.

"Come in" he said and my eyes widened, I rested my head on his chest so the person wouldn't see my face. I felt stupid at this moment, even if the person did not see my face now, he would later.

Rayna my maid entered when she saw our intimate position she quickly lowered her gaze.

"Lord Nathan .i. would like to prepare my lady" she said as she bowed her head.

"Leave, I will do that" he said and the maid turned around to leave quickly.

"Lord Nathan, please let go of me" I told him and he frowned at me.

"Why would you call me that?" he asked me.

"We are married so you should call me, Nathan and if you don't want that you can call me husband, I would gladly answer you, wife" he said and I smirked at him.

"What If I call you neither of that?" I asked him.

"Then I won't answer you" he told me and I could feel that he was teasing me.

"That is fine with me" I told him. He looked at me closely for a while and I could not tell what was going on in his mind. His hand went to the back of my head to pull my head more closer to his, his nose was on mine and it dawned on me what he wanted to do. I quickly covered his mouth with my hands and he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"N...Na.. Nathan, I need to bath, please let go of me" I said to him and he chuckled, he released his arms from my waist and I got up hastily. He was still staring at me when I wanted to remove my clothes.

"Why are you still staring at me?, turn around" I said which made the demon more amused and he laughed, the woman was so outrageous to order him.

"Let me go out instead, I can't promise that I would behave myself" he said and I shot him an angry look, still laughing, he went out of the room, giving me enough space.

I had to prepare the bath myself since Nathan had sent the maid away. I really wondered if he meant what he said by, he would bath me, he wouldn't do that or would he?, I kept thinking about it as heat made its way to my body and I blushed. Thinking about me and Nathan inside the water, naked as we bath each other. I couldn't help but blush harder.

I wore a peach gown today as I sat in my room eating. Nathan had asked me to join him earlier but I refused him. After I finished eating and resting for a while. He came into the room.

"Do you want to practice today, I would teach you" he said and I nodded my head, he hugged me and we teleported to the garden, it had been long since I practiced so I grabbed a sword and I looked at Nathan.

"Where is your sword?, I don't fight with unharmed men" I said and I knew he had that smirk on his face. Even though he was unharmed he would still win, he was a demon after all.

He tapped his wrist and a long silver sword came out from it, it was really shiny and beautiful.

"Whoaaa",I screamed, I was surprised that he did that, demons were really powerful, he even brought out sword from his body.

"How did you do that?" I couldn't help but ask how he did that.

"It's a demon thing, don't worry you would be able to do it once you turn demon" he told me and my eyes widened.

"What!!?, no, no, no, I don't want to turn to a demon, I am okay being a human" I said to him.

"You would turn demon whether you like it or not, while you are here" he told me plainly.

"Then I would leave here" I said to his surprise and he nodded his head, he put in his sword back in his body as he turned his back. Was he angry?, I was only teasing him, there was no way I would leave without him noticing.

"Nathan, wait!" I yelled at him as I ran and grabbed his arm to turn him around.

He looked at me and the expression that showed on his face was not good, I didn't like it.

"Let's not fight now, I didn't mean what I said earlier, I was only joking" I told him as I tried to lighten his mood and then his expression changed.

He brought out the sword again, and now we started fighting. He wasn't even trying and here I was panting and sweating. I swung at him several times but he blocked my attack smoothly. I had a hard time defending myself when he was attacking me.

He gave me one uppercut but he didn't let me fall, he used his arms to carry me back.

We kept fighting each other and I was getting tired. He wasn't even trying to fight at all. I wondered how he would fight when he was really, like very angry, I only saw him fighting with his powers, not with a sword.

We sat down on the grass and I was tried to steady my breath. Nathan snapped his fingers and water appeared at my front. I quickly grabbed it and gulped the whole thing down.


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Rose and Nathan: We love you ❤️❤️❤️