Chapter 25

Nathan went to the room to bath and I dropped the basket in the kitchen with the maids. I went to our room and I saw that the light was dim. 'What is going on?' I asked myself. I felt someone coming from behind and he hugged me from the back.

"Why did you put out the light?" I asked him, his hair was still wet as the droplets of water fell on my skin.

"Because of what I want to do" he said in a husky tone.

"What are you planning to do?" I asked him and he turned me around to face him. He studied my face for a while then he leaned in on me. He was closer to me now and I could feel his hot breath on my face and now his nose was touching mine.

"This" he said and he kissed my lips hungrily, like as if I was his meal that he wanted to eat, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. we delved deeper and deeper into each other's mouth. His arms went around my waist and he pulled me closer to his body. which I was thankful of, because my knees were starting to weaken. He carried me towards the bed as we were still kissing each other. He gently placed me on the bed with his hands above my head.

He left my lips to trail wet kisses down my neck as he kissed and licked my bare neck. His hands travelled to my back and he loosed the ropes at the back of my dress. He gently removed my pink gown from my body and it remained only my inner. He also removed his clothes and I saw a well built body with his perfectly toned stomach. He took my lips in his again and licked them like they were the sweetest thing ever and he removed my inner that exposed my bare skin, I could feel heat radiating between us. He delved in deeper and deeper into my mouth and I could not help but moan into his mouth.

He trailed kisses downwards and started licking and sucking my breast. I was biting my lips to suppress my moans but he gently bit it and I gasped loudly, I started drowning in the ocean of euphoria, this was just so good as I grabbed the sheets and arched my back against him.

I could not help but roam my hands around his perfect body. My fingers tangled in his hair and I brought his face closer to mine as I kissed him again.

His hands roamed around my body leaving heat wherever they went. He kept kissing me as his hands caressed in between my thighs. I was losing my mind already, this was just so good. I felt squishy down there so he licked In between my thighs and I raised my hips, I grabbed the sheets with my hands as he kept licking and sucking me down there.

"Ahh...mmmm" I moaned and I kept arching my back, I was not going to stop this and I enjoyed what he was doing. Nobody told me it felt like this, he took my mouth in his again and I felt his finger in my entrance, he parted my legs as he moved up and down in my entrance.

"Nathan....please" i begged him, I didn't know why I was begging but I just felt like I should. He removed his finger and kissed me.

"I want you, rose" he told me and I nodded my head. He settled himself in between me and then i felt a sharp pain when he entered me.

"Ahhh, Nathan!" I yelled because of the pain that I felt.

"I am sorry wife, if you don't like it, I would stop" he said.

"It's alright" I told him as I felt the pain dissipating followed by an incredible feeling. He moved slowly as he kissed my lips. I felt the familiar feelings again and I didn't want it to end anytime soon.

"Nathan...please" I begged him and he moved faster now, he thrust harder into me and I lost my mind completely. I arched my back and raised my hips to meet each of his hard thrust and He moved faster and faster in me and I moaned and arched my back uncontrollably. He moved faster and faster until we both reached the climax, his head dropped on my chest and he stayed in that position for a while loosing himself inside of me as he kissed me again.

"I love you rose" he told me and rolled off me. He laid on his back and I snuggled closer to him while he wrapped his arms around my waist and he kissed my hair.

"Rose would you ever love me?" he asked me and I raised up my head to look at him.

"I think I do already, I always miss you when you are not around me, I guess that I am just afraid to accept the truth" I told him while looking at his red eyes.

"You mean you already love me?" he asked me and I shook my head and his forehead creased, I felt the urge to laugh at him after seeing him like that.

"No, what I mean is that I think I am seriously in love with you" I told him and then I placed my head on his chest while listening to his heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around my body. 'I would make sure that you love me, even more than you love yourself' he whispered and I giggled and hugged him again. It was not long before we fell into a deep slumber.

The sun peeked through the curtains as it hit the sleeping beauty on the bed, my eyelashes fluttered open and I had to adjust my eyes to the bright light. I stared at Nathan who was sleeping peacefully and I giggled to myself as I traced his eyebrows and then his nose and now his slightly opened lips. I leaned on him then I kissed him. A rosy blush flushed my cheeks when I remembered all that we did last night, thinking about it made me blush harder. it felt so good, his lips on my skin as he kissed me and it was so incredible when our sweaty bodies became one. I just wanted to do it again.

"Do you want to do it again?, we can do it now" he told me and I gasped, I forgot that he could listen to my thoughts.

"No...I.." I tried to look for something to say but he towered over me and he kissed me.

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