Chapter 33

why do I feel like I was interrogated about my love affair. It doesn't seem right to me, when Allenda saw that I was uncomfortable with the questions she was bombarding me, she quickly changed the topic.

"So did Nathan tell you anything about us?" she asked me.

"Not really, he just said he has two sisters and they are Miranda and Allenda" I spoke with honesty but I heard Miranda scoff. Allenda sighed, how would their brother disclose anything, he always mind his business.

"Well can you tell us about yourself, I mean, so that we can know you better" Allenda asked and I told her everything. She also told me everything about her.

"Miranda, why don't you tell me about yourself?" I asked her but she glared at me spitefully.

"I don't disclose my personal information to fools" she snapped.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked wide eyed. I was just trying to strike up a conversation with her, so that I would understand her but she turned me down like this, I had a bad feeling already.

"Allenda, pass me the hot tea" Miranda said and because I was seating next to her, she poured the hot tea on my hand and I shrieked in pain. I didn't know if she did it intentionally or not.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to do that" she said. With the way she said it, I knew that her apologies weren't sincere. Why did she do this?.

"Sorry, excuse me" I said and Allenda just nodded for me to go if I wanted to.

"She is so nice sister, why would you hurt her?" Allenda asked.

"I hate that woman a lot, and I won't stop until I get what I want and leave her completely broken". Miranda spoke.

'I don't know whether to tell father about this, so that you can stop all your mad plots' Allenda said inwardly and her demon sister had read her mind.

"You wouldn't dare to tell on me" Miranda said as she glared at her sister and Allenda nodded, there was no point in pushing further. She would see the results of destroying someone's life soon if not now.


My hand was itching badly and when I kept scratching it, my skin was peeling off. I went to our room but I didn't see Nathan, I guessed that he went out to have fun since he couldn't be with me. I looked around the room until I found the ointment. I quickly applied ointment

on it and then I covered it with bandage. I laid on the bed in the room, I had no intention in meeting them after what had happened now.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, Nathan went inside the room, he just had a drink with his brother and Zach and he was feeling tipsy

Even in his drunken state, he knew that something bad had happened to her because of her bandaged hands.

"Rose, what happened to you?" he asked me shooking me gently until I woke up.

"Oh you are here" I said and tried to hide my hands, I didn't want him to get angry after seeing what Miranda had done. I didn't want them to fight, I was trying to avoid all those dangers so that the dream would not come to pass.

He snatched my hands away from me and raised it up. "What is this?" he asked in a demanding tone that sent chills down my spine.

"Nothing" I lied.

"What do you meant by nothing, why is it covered like this?" he asked. Nathan was infuriated with what he saw. How could they have done this to her?, they had invited her for dinner, why would they treat her like this?, he should have known that they had ulterior motives.

"What is this?" he asked again and he loosed the bandage to check my hands. His eyes widened when he saw my hands.

"You got burnt?" he asked me and I nodded.

"It is Miranda, right?" he asked, he was furious with the woman, when he came to the castle, he noticed that something was off about her.

"You don't need to answer, I know already" he said and he pulled me to come out with him.

"Nathan, please I don't want to do this, I am fine" I told him even though I was still in pain, I couldn't let this happen.

"You are not fine, how would you be fine when your hand is peeling off?" he asked me and I knew where this was going, was he really going to fight with his sister?. I caused all this, I wished the time would fly back so that I could refuse to meet them for dinner.

Nathan was raging, he shouldn't have let her go, he didn't know that his sister was so vicious. He never wanted Rose to get hurt physically now he was going to make her pay for messing with him.

I tried to look for something in my head that I could do so they wouldn't fight. An idea popped in my head, I purposely stepped on my dress and then I stumbled forward, hitting my head with the wall.

"Ahhhhhh" I yelled, I only wanted to act this drama in front of him so that he would stop, I didn't expect it to be so painful.

"I am sorry, what happened to you?" he asked me.

"I am feeling dizzy, why don't we go back to our room?" I suggested and he creased his forehead as If realizing what I was doing. He nodded and we went back to our room.

I sighed in relief, at least he was not going to fight with her again, I had saved myself from trouble and I was happy about that.

I touched my forehead, oh it was really painful, I just wanted to save Miranda from whatever Nathan might do to her and I got hurt instead.

"Do you really want to save her that much?" he asked me and I creased my forehead pretending to be confused.

"You know what I am talking about, don't you, did you really like her that much?" he asked me.

"Look at what she did to you, you still tried to protect her from me, why would you do that?" he asked but I had nothing to say, he clearly did not understand what I am going through. I couldn't let them fight for the fear that I had.

Hope you enjoyed so far....

Please vote for Rose and Nathan with power stones..❤️❤️❤️