Chapter 34

'Why did Nathan not come?, he should have, since i purposely hurt her, I knew it, he doesn't love her, he doesn't care either, here I am worrying too much' Miranda ranted in her head. She always knew that brother wouldn't do something that he wouldn't gain from. 'He probably wants something from her' Miranda thought as she smiled devishlly. She would be able to formulate her plan and get rid of Rose.

Allenda would be so much useful to her in her tommorow's plan. If the plan fails she's got backups. She would make sure that Rose doesn't stand from where she falls. Speaking of using her sister, that would be so much benefits for her.

"What is with that smile, I hope you are not doing something hideous?" Allenda asked as soon as she noticed that her sister was smiling alone she knew that the crazy woman had come up with a dangerous plan.

"I am so much looking forward to tommorow" she said as she grinned wickedly.

"What is going to happen tommorow?" Allenda asked, anticipating for the worst plan that she orchestrated.

"Part A of my plan will commence tommorow, let me see how much their fake love is?" she said.

"What do you mean by fake love, brother clearly loves her and Rose loves brother, so what is fake?" she asked miranda.but the demon did not know how. to defend her words so she just scoffed.

"You would help me, won't you?" Miranda asked.

"I am not helping you" Allenda snapped.

"Then you can forget about us being sisters" Miranda said and Allenda widened her eyes.

"Just because you want me to carry out your devious plan for you, you want to break bonds with me?" Allenda asked wide-eyed.

"Oh yes I could, have you forgotten who I am?, I am Miranda" she asked and answered her question.

"Just one time, only one time I would help you, if you still insist then I would report to the king".Allenda said.

"You won't do that, we would be partners, don't you think?" Miranda asked and laughed wickedly.

"Oh my precious sister, you are so lucky to have a sister like me" Miranda said and Allenda scoffed. She was totally ridiculous, how was she lucky to have a sister as evil as her.

"You are also evil, don't forget what we are, you shouldn't think you are pure and exempted" Miranda reminded.

Allenda knew that all of them were demons and said to be evil people, but they still had an hint of goodness inside of them. Even Nathan had changed from the evil he used to do since he had met rose. Allenda was truly happy for her brother, she wasn't like the jealous bee that was ranting here.

"So what am I going to do?"Allenda asked, she hoped that she wasn't going to do anything that would hurt Rose.

"You really care for her, don't you?, just give me a good reason why you like her" Miranda demanded.

"Because she is kind and also she is caring and...." she trailed off but Miranda cut her off.

"I only asked for one reason, why would you list a hundred for me?, is she that perfect?" Miranda asked.

"Yes she is" Allenda said and that seems to have displeased the demon.

"So what are her shortcomings?" Miranda asked hoping she could use them against rose.

"I don't think she has any, someone as perfect and her shouldn't have any" Allenda replied and Miranda kept looking at her keenly, as if she was searching for the truth, even though it was so clear right now.

"Tell me, between her and I who is more beautiful?"Miranda asked.

Allenda looked stunned, she had not expect that kind of question. She cleared her throat as she asked.

"Which do you want?, truth or lies" she asked Miranda.

"The truth of course". Miranda said. Allenda crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at Miranda from head to toe, she was not bad, but...

"She is, Rose is more beautiful" she answered with all honesty.

"I don't think she is that beautiful" Miranda said.

"Why don't you take your time to observe her beauty, then you would know where to classify yourself" Allenda said and laughed at her sister. Rose really looked like a flower, even prettier than a flower.

"That isn't funny" Miranda snapped.

"You are going to take her out tomorrow and you should not bring her back until the sun sets" Miranda said talking about her plan.

"And what is that going to do?"Allenda asked.

Miranda ignored her question. "Let's see how a piece of paper ruin their relationship" she said.

"What would a paper do?" Allenda asked, she was utterly confused. What kind of plan is that?.

"You don't need to know, since you care so much about her, just do this small thing" she said and Allenda sighed, what was this, this was a useless plan, but she knew her sister, she was just so sly. Allenda didn't know what would happen if a piece of paper was included in her plans.

"Just keep her in a place that he wouldn't find her". Miranda said as she laughed like a maniac.

"So what am I going to tell her and she would come with me" Allenda asked, they had hurt her, why would she want to come with them, what reason could they give her?, To think about the worst, Nathan would not allow her to come with them so the plan would not succeed.

"Don't worry about that, brother is going to talk to father tommorow, so we would use that opportunity, you can say that you wanted to fetch some berries" Miranda said, 'since the fool loves berries, berries would be her main downfall tommorow' she thought.

"You had better not spoil my plans, or you would get it from me" she said in a warning tone, she knew Allenda she might change her mind and refuse to hurt the damn witch.

"Bye sister" Allenda said as she went out, since her part wasn't.bad, she could just deny all what Miranda would say, she would just say that she wanted to play with Rose.


Please look forward to what would be in the paper, and how it would affect rose and Nathan.

Please vote for Rose and Nathan so they would win against the evil Miranda.❤️❤️❤️