Chapter 36

The next morning....

I woke up late because of what Nathan and I did last night. I stretched my arms on the bed and turned around only to find him staring at me. I kissed his lips then his forehead.

"Good morning husband" I said with a wide smile on my face. Nathan looked stunned for a while. He had not expect that I would call him 'husband.'

"Good morning wife" he said and smiled back to me.

"I am going to meet the king today, would you come along?" he asked me.

"No, I have found some books in your library so I would read them" I said.

"Okay then" he said as he laid on his back. Maybe he wasn't happy that I refused him.

"You are going to need some privacy, won't you, so why should I come along?" I asked him but he did not reply.

"If you don't want to, you can stay here" he said and I moved closer to him and hugged him. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. We slept again for a while, I was really tired with all that we did last night. Thinking of it made me blush harder as my cheeks turned red.

When I opened my eyes, Nathan was gone, so I guessed that he had gone to his father already. I quickly cleaned myself up with the help of his maids. I wore a pink off shoulder gown today and tied my hair into a bun with bangs and tendrils fell over my face.

I picked up the book I wanted to read, I laid on the bed and started reading. After some minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said without looking at the door. Allenda opened the door and she smiled when she saw me.

"I am sorry about the other day" she said.

"I am fine, besides it was not your fault, I was so careless that was why it happened" I said so that she would stop feeling guilty.

"Are you busy?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Oh, I want to fetch some berries and I was hoping if you would come with me" Allenda said.

"You know Miranda, she just turned me down when I asked her" she said again.

"Why don't you go alone" I said, I was so engrossed with this book, all I wanted was to read all of it.

"Picking berries alone is not fun" she said as she pouted her lips and blinked her eye at me. She looked like a drenched puppy.

"Why don't you come with me, you can read that book later, I also have many books, I would give them to you" she said again as she blinked her eye. I couldn't resist that so I went with her.


"What berries are you picking?" I asked her.

"Raspberries" she said and I felt like puking. I held my stomach as I ran to a tree to let it out. I looked at her and found her staring at me wide eyed. she looked at me then my stomach and I wondered what was she was thinking.

"Why would you want to pick, raspberries, they are sour" I said and she let out a sigh of relief. I wondered why she did that, she handed me water, I washed my mouth and my face then I drank the water.

Allenda had thought that rose was pregnant that was why she was staring at her wide-eyed. She always heard that if women puked it means they are pregnant. That seems wrong, she thought. Rose didn't like raspberries that was why she puked when she heard it.

"You don't like them?" she asked me speaking of the raspberries.

"No.." I said and sounded disgusted.

"Let's go, there are many berries there, so you can pick the one you like" she told me and I went with her. We got to a place and stopped, I wondered why we stopped there. I wanted to ask her, that was when I saw her point her index finger on the ground. The ground opened forming steps.

"Let's go" she said and I looked reluctant to go with her. Berries are underground?, that was absurd.

"I am not going" I told her.

"Don't be scared, I mean it, I would never do anything to harm you, speaking of that, your husband would kill me when he finds out that I put you in danger" she said and smiled at me. I looked around, this place was deserted, since I was here, I would just follow her. I went through the steps and I felt the ground close.

"Allenda, Allenda" I called as I couldn't see, it was too dark. She snapped her fingers and light illuminated.

"Let's go" she said, I stood beside her and we walked further. I could see a very bright light from afar. When we reached there, I gasped, I could see the clear blue sky and the sun as it shone on us. The place was so beautiful. I never knew such a thing existed, it was only drawn in books and the illustration wasn't that clear.

"Did you like it?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Let's go pick the berries" she said and we ran to the Hawthorn tree. There were many berries, all flavors, ranging from red berries, blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries..

"You don't want to try other berries apart from red?" she asked me and I nodded, I don't like the other berries.

"Trust me, they taste good" she said. I waltzed closer to the berries, I picked the blue berries and ate them. She was right, they tasted sweet.

We fetched a lot of berries and we sat on the grass as we began to eat them. She showed me streams and I couldn't help but gawk at them. The water was so clear and blue, I wondered if this water was ever polluted.

Allenda splashed some of the water on me, she was playing?, okay, I would show her that I play a lot. I splashed water on her as fast as I could not giving her time to retaliate. When I saw her face I laughed, she was drenched already.

"I am sorry" I said laughing.

"It's okay" she replied.


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