Chapter 37

"I am so sorry" I said laughing, I didn't know she would be drenched like this.

"It's alright" she said.

"Let me show you something" she said and I followed her.

She led me to a wall, after she tapped it, the wall opened. "Secret passage?" I asked her and she nodded.

"No one knows about it, except you and I" she said and I nodded, I was having goosebumps, what was there that made her talk like this?.

We walked inside and the wall closed. She began to show me every corner of the passage, it was also very beautiful, much beautiful than the place we came from...


Nathan had finished talking to his father so he went to his room, expecting rose to be there reading waiting for him but she wasn't. He called for her but he heard no response. He searched for her everywhere in the castle but he couldn't find her. He went back into his room hoping that she had returned but she wasn't there either.

He sat on the bed as his shoulder dropped in disappointment. He looked around and his eye caught something on the table, it looked like a paper.

He went closer to it and opened the paper, it was a letter, hoping that she had gone somewhere else aside the castle..He began to read it and his forehead creased, he was very angry with what she wrote. Did she really leave him?. He squeezed the paper with his hands as he went outside the castle to look for her.

He went to their other house, he asked Rayna, her maid if Rose came here.

"No, my lady didn't come here" she answered.

"Is my lady missing?" she asked but Nathan ignored her as he went to search for her. He went to the forest where she ran away from him when she realized she married him, she wasn't there either. He went to her room in her kingdom but she wasn't there. She didn't even go to their place, where was she?. He had searched everywhere but he couldn't find her. It dawned on him that she left him. Tears clouded in his eyes as he fought them back, the tears weren't listening to him and they strolled down his handsome face. Never had he cried before, he used to do evil and wicked things before but he stopped, she has changed so many things in his life. He couldn't believe that she actually left him after telling him that she loved him. He couldn't believe that he fell easily for her lies

He had let down his guards by believing that she really loved him, he never thought that she would leave him by toying with him first, he thought that she really wants to be with him that she loved him, that was just his wishful thinking. She never really liked him that was why she left. She had just broken his heart, why would she do this to him?. He went back home hoping to find her once again but she had really gone. She left him...


Miranda watched her brother in his room, she smiled wickedly as she saw him like that. If rose comes back he would be very mad at her. The content of her letter was just superb, Miranda changed her writing since Nathan knew hers, when Rose and Allenda left, she sneaked into Nathan's room and dropped the letter there. 'Let's see how this would spoil their fake relationship' she said and smiled devishlly before leaving. What she wanted was for Rose to cry and shatter emotionally, she took away Nathan from her, she deserves whatever would happen to her. since Nathan was like this she would definitely cry because, Nathan goes extreme whenever he is angry at someone.

Speaking of Rose, where was she?, she should have arrived by now. Miranda was eager for the show to begin.


"It's getting late, let's go home now" I told Allenda but she creased her forehead as she looked at the sky. 'It is getting dark' she thought.

"Alright, let's go" Allenda said and we went away.

"Would you like to come back here?" she asked me.

"Yes, this place is very beautiful" I told her as we climbed up the steps. The ground closed again after we left, it was as if nobody was there in the first place.

When we reached the castle, it was night already, so we said our goodbyes and I went to our room.


I entered the room and closed the door behind me but it was dark. What had happened?,. I looked around but I couldn't see anything.

"Why are you here?" Nathan asked in a cold voice. I was having goosebumps with the way he was talking. He seem to be in a bad mood but we were just fine this morning.

"Where are you?" I asked instead, I was not able to see in the dark.

"I asked a question, why are you here?" he asked me again, his tone did not change one bit.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him again as I creased my forehead, I was confused, why was he asking that question? and why was he talking like this?.

"Don't pretend you don't know what is happening, just tell me the reason why you came back?" he asked again. He snapped his fingers and light illuminated. I could see him clearly now, I ran to meet him but what I saw shocked me. His eyelashes were wet and there was trace of tears on his face. What had made him cry?.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him and hugged him as he stood. I felt him yank my arms away harshly from him.

"Why did you come back?" he asked me again and I creased my forehead, I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I came back for you" I said, I didn't know what else to say apart from this.

"Won't you stop lying to me?, you left me isn't it?" he said again and I was confused.


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