Chapter 38

"Won't you stop lying to me?" he asked me and I was even more confused.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know what is happening" he said again.

"Nathan would you just explain what is going on, I don't get what you are saying" I said and he threw a paper at me. I picked the paper from the ground and opened it.

My eyes widened when I read it:

Oh Nathan, you really are stupid for believing that I loved you, I told you before humans can't be with demons, you are so selfish to have turned me into your kind because you wanted me. I know I would not be able to go back home with what you have done. Don't think that I would still choose to be with you, I really hate you, I feel disgusted whenever I am with you, I can't help but keep counting the days I would finally leave you, now that I have the chance to do that, i won't even hesitate to leave you, you didn't know that was the reason I chose not to come in the morning with you. Now that I have the opportunity to leave you, I would not ever come back, you didn't even doubt me and I feel happy that you never thought I would leave you one day. I know what you must be feeling like right now but I don't care about you. Bye, don't ever look for me, you are just wasting your time because I would never come back.


Tears clouded my eyes, does he really think I wrote this.

"If it wasn't you, who wrote this?" he asked me but I couldn't give him a reasonable answer. I would never do this to him.

"Don't you trust me?, I can't do this" I told him but he shooked his head.

"I am tired of trusting you, you were not the one who wrote this?, who else knows that I told you to follow me in the morning?" he asked me.

That was true, it was just the both of us, nobody knew that he asked me to come with him.

"You said you were not coming back, why are you here?" he asked me again, this time he was angry at me and he was shouting, I couldn't take it anymore and I kept crying.

"I didn't write this, please believe me, I would not hurt you like this, I love..." I said but he cut me off.

"Don't ever say that to me, I am sick of hearing that word from you, you didn't write this, who did?", he asked me.

"I don't know" I said as tears was rolling down my cheeks, I didn't like the way he was shouting and accusing me of what I didn't do.

"You don't know?, or you don't just want to say it is you, why would you come back?, I am really stupid for believing all your lies, did you still want to break my heart more than you already did, I don't want you anymore, I tried all I could to make you love me but you don't, you still hate me don't you?, I am tired already" he said as tears fell from his eyes, seeing that, I felt arrows pierce my heart a million time. I hugged him again but he pushed me away from him.

"Nathan, please I am sorry, it's just a letter right?, please don't let us fight because of this, the person that wrote it wanted us to fight, please stop saying you don't want me anymore, I love you Nathan, I really love you, I want to be with no one but you, I would do anything for you, please don't hate me, I won't be able to bear it if you do that, What matters is that I love you and I would always love you" I told him and hugged him again, I hugged him tight so that he won't push me away.

"I am sorry" I said as I caressed his hair, he dropped his head on my shoulders and hugged me tightly.

"Rose, I don't want you to ever do this again, do you know how I felt reading that?, I felt that you purposely made me fall deeper and you broke me completely, don't ever do this again" he warned with his head still on my shoulder.

"Nathan I wasn't the one who wrote it, I would never hurt you, I love you so much, please just give me a chance to prove myself to you, I promise I won't hurt you again" I said. "Give me one more chance" I said again and he nodded.

"I am sorry" I said again


"Damn you stupid witch!" Miranda cursed inwardly as she eavesdropped on their conversation. Miranda really thought Nathan would walk away from her leaving her devastated but he even let rose hug him again. What the hell was wrong with him?

"What is it?, Plan gone wrong?" Allenda asked when she saw her sisters clenched fist.

"I told you clearly, Rose loves brother and brother loves rose, no matter what you are going to do, you can't break them apart" Allenda snapped and she received a dirty slap.

" slapped me?" Allenda asked wide-eyed.

"You had better stop talking nonsense, if you don't want your pretty face ruined" Miranda said angrily, she was furious with rose already, she felt like killing her, but she wouldn't do that, not now.

'it is step by step, rose let's see how you pass this test' she said inwardly as she grinned wickedly, she hissed at Allenda that was still holding her cheeks with her hand.

'How could her hand feel like that, I am sure, it is iron that slapped me now, I feel like my cheek is torn!!!' Allenda said.


I was laying on the bed with Nathan beside me, I didn't know what to say that would make him talk to me. His laid on his back as his head was facing the ceiling.

"Umm, would you go out with me tommorow?" I asked him. His gaze did not leave the ceiling.

"No" he said.

"Why?" I asked him but he did not reply and closed his eyes instead.

"Good night" he said.


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