Chapter 39

"No" he said and I creased my forehead.

"Why?" I asked but he just closed his eyes instead.

"Good night" he said. I let out along sigh, I looked at him again but he was sleeping so I left him alone.

Nathan was in a deep thought, he wasn't really sleeping, he just did that so that she would let him be. And he would be able to think properly. He was wondering, 'if it's not her, could it be Allenda?" he asked, maybe she took his wife out so that she could hurt him by dropping the letter. But Allenda couldn't do that, she could not even hurt a fly. She was the purest demon he had ever seen. He knew she cared for Rose but he couldn't say the same thing about Miranda. Miranda was the definition of evil, she was sly, cruel, backstabber, if she gets jealous of something, she gets it at all cost. 'Miranda could have written the letter' he thought, but he knew her writing, 'did she change it because of her evil plan?' he thought. He opened his eyes to check if rose was sleeping. He leaned in on her face and kissed her forehead.

There was no way he would hate this woman, he loved her so much, he even lied that he didn't want her anymore but that wasn't true, he was scared that she had left him that was why he reacted that way. he was so angry with the letter that he felt like tearing it into million pieces. He looked at his wife 'you don't have only one chance to prove your self, you are my life, I don't know what I would do without you, I am sorry if I had hurt you with what I said, I didn't mean to yell on you like that' he said and kissed her forehead again.

"it's okay" I said and he gasped. I wasn't sleeping, I felt that he wanted to open his eyes so I pretended to be asleep. I felt relieved that he wasn't angry with me anymore.

"you weren't even sleeping?" he asked me and I nodded.

"I heard everything you said" I said and he raised his eyebrows and scoffed at me.

"I never said anything" he said.

"you were just hallucinating" he said again.

"I heard what you said, so you don't have to deny it" I told him, this time he was facing me and not the ceiling. I looked at his handsome face and my gaze landed on his lips, I really felt like kissing him but I couldn't do that with what just happened. I felt Nathan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to himself. He kissed me gently this time as he was savoring the taste of my lips. He kissed my bottom lip and dragged it gently and I moaned. He turned me over as I was laying on my back with him on top of me.

"Punishment for hurting me" he said wickedly and he took my mouth in his again licking and sucking on them. I sighed into his mouth in relief. I was happy that things had changed. I wrapped my arms around his body roaming my hands around him. my fingers tangled in his hair as he kept kissing me, he kissed me all over my face, my nose and then my lips again, he kissed and dragged the bottom of my ear gently and he sucked on it.

He trailed kisses over my neck and my neck bone as he sucked and kissed on it. He gently caressed my breast with his hands igniting fire within me. He pulled my cloth and his in one flash, our skin were rubbing against each other. I placed my hands on his hard chest as I roamed my hands around his body.

He kissed my breast, slowly poking out his tongue on it, he licked my nipples and started sulking on it. I arched my back against him as my fingers tangled in his hair. He grabbed my other breast as he caressed it gently. My body was on fire, I was losing my mind and my brain completely shut down when he slid his finger inside me. I raised my hip and arched my back against him. I pulled his head gently towards me and kissed him...

He settled in between me and part my legs with his hands, he gently slid his manhood right through my entrance. I raised my hips to meet his hard thrust as he kept pushing his manhood inside me.

I moaned and Nathan kept moving faster in me, his pace was fast as he kissed my lips again, his body was wet as it moved against mine.

I felt like I was on cloud nine already, I gasped when he sucked me again. I arched my back against him uncontrollably. I grabbed the sheets with my hands as he kept moving in me again. We both reached out climax and he rested his head on my chest.

"Please promise me you would never leave me, I can't live without you, please stay with me until my last breath, so, can you stay with me forever?" he asked and I nodded, he was my husband, if I didn't stay with him, who else would I be with?.

I raised his head so that he could see me. "I promise you, I can't do anything to hurt you, I love you so much, I would never be with anybody else except you, I would stay with you forever" I said, I didn't know what he meant by until his last breath, was he going to die?, I waved it off my mind as I didn't ponder on it. I looked at him, he had slept on me. I hugged him tight and kissed his hair, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


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