Chapter 54

"Nathan did you really not remember her?" Zach asked, why did the king hit him with this poison that was so cruel.

"I don't know her, how many times do I need to answer that question, who is she anyway?" Nathan asked, he was annoyed that they kept asking him if he knew that woman.

"She is...." He trailed off, he doesn't know how he would react if he told him, his wife should tell him instead.

"Let's go out" Nathan suggested and they went out.

"Where are we going?" Zach asked when he saw Nathan heading for the brothel. he was a married man why should he go there?,

He remembered that the old Nathan loved women a lot and he loved to sleep with them. Now the old Nathan was back and he didn't remember that he had stopped all this when he married rose.

"Why should you ask, when you know where we always go?" Nathan asked him instead. They entered the brothel and they were welcomed by two women who started touching them.

"What do you want sir" the woman said as she rubbed Nathan's neck and chest in an intimate way.

"You" he replied and she giggled he pulled her to his room, he was a regular guest there and he has his own room, fortunately he hasn't forgotten his room in the brothel. He pulled her into his room as he started undressing her, the woman kept touching him, she caressed his neck and his hard chest. Nathan kissed the woman as he delved deeper in her mouth, he roamed his hands around her body as he squeezed her breasts.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel anything, he didn't have any bubbly feeling inside him. He sucked on her but he still didn't feel anything, he pushed her on the bed as he parted her leg ready to enter her. The woman kept caressing him around his body, instead of him to feel something for her as she touched him but he was feeling troubled, he felt as if he shouldn't be doing this. He ignored it as he slept with her.

Nathan didn't go back home until night, he had a drink with Zach after he slept with the woman.

"Zach, what is happening to me?" he asked Zach who did not reply him because of his drunken state.

"What is happening to you?" Zach asked him.

"I feel like someone's watching me and what I am doing is bad" he complained, yes that was how he felt when he had *** with the woman.

"Yes, what you are doing is so bad" Zach commented leaving the demon confused. Nathan did not say anything further as he kept pondering on what Zach said.

I was waiting for Nathan in the room, I looked for him everywhere when I couldn't find him, it was night already and I still couldn't see him. Even if i saw him, what would I say?, he doesn't remember me anymore.

Nathan staggered as he walked into his room, he creased his forehead when he saw me sitting on his bed, in his room.

"You are back" I said and wanted to hug him but he stopped me from hugging him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me and I didn't know what to say.

"I...I...I.." I trailed off but he cut me off.

"You?" he asked me as he creased his forehead.

"I am your personal maid, so I am here to take care of you" I lied, I couldn't tell him I was his wife, I didn't know how he was going to react that he wouldn't make me cry.

"There are rooms for maids, why are you in my room?" he asked me and I looked down, I didn't know what to say to that.

"The rooms are filled up and this is the only place I can stay" I lied again, I was so tired of lying to him but I couldn't say the truth either.

"Since when did I have so many maids?" he asked me as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"You must be tired why don't you sleep" I said, I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him inside but I stopped when I perceived his scent, he smelled like a woman.

"Where did you go?" I asked him.

"Why?" he asked me instead.

"Why do you smell like this?" I asked him again.

"Is that a question a maid should ask?" he asked me again and I creased my forehead at him. He laid on the bed with his back and his face facing the ceiling. I gently crawled on the bed to sleep beside him but he turned his face to me.

"You are going to sleep on my bed?" he asked me and I nodded, I couldn't sleep on the couch, it was so uncomfortable for me.

"Why do I feel like my maid is behaving like a master, you ask questions you shouldn't ask and now you are going to sleep beside me" he said.

"Don't worry I would not touch you, you wouldn't even feel that I am here" I told him and he smirked.

"How about a demarcation?" he asked as he arranged pillows in between the bed. I gently laid on my side, never had I dreamt that I would sleep beside him with a pillow between us. When I heard that his breathing was steady, I removed the pillow in between the bed and I snuggled closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and I gently kissed his cheeks. I wished he didn't forget me and everything would be back to normal but it wasn't, I didn't know why he remembered everyone except from me. it was really painful that he forgot me, I know he would be furious when he woke up and sees me in this way with him. I would bear everything, I was the cause of this so I had no reason to complain.


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