Chapter 55

Nathan woke up, he wanted to move but something was holding him down. He turned to look at it, he saw the woman's red lips and he gulped. He looked at her face keenly, she was really beautiful and he hadn't noticed it, till now.

His gaze trailed down her body to her bare chest, he stopped when his gaze landed on her breast, he started salivating, he wanted her, he wanted to have her.

He shook his head to free his head from useless thoughts, she was just a maid.

I opened my eyes and I found him staring at me. "You said you wouldn't touch me" he said and I removed my arms away.

"I think you should sleep on the couch since you can't control yourself" he said and my eyes widened, he was asking me to sleep on the couch, Nathan would never say that.

"I won't sleep there" I said stubbornly and he raised his eyebrows. The woman was so pig headed.

"You dare to defy me?" he asked and I gulped hearing his voice. I shook my head immediately.

"That is how a maid should behave" he reminded me of who I was.

"Go and prepare my bath and help me get dressed" he said and I went quickly to do what he said.

"It is ready" I said, I watched him as he get closer to the bath, all of a sudden he grabbed my hands and threw me in the water.

"Are you crazy?, I almost drowned" I asked him as I raised my head from the water, my whole body was soaked with water.

He waltzed towards me as he sat on the stair, he was looking at me with his striking red eyes.

"Speaking to your master in such a loud voice, are you eager to die?" he asked me and I nodded, what was he going to do?, I wanted to see.

"You don't act like a maid and I wonder what is going on in that crazy head of yours" he said as he splashed water on my face.

I splashed water back on him "Very soon I would become your master and you would serve me" I threatened and he just laughed, looking at me amused, He tapped my head.

"Your wishful thinking" he said, he was about to leave when I pulled him into the water very close to me.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked me but I ignored him, I placed my hands on his chest as I held his shirt firmly.

" You asked me to prepare your bath isn't it?, now I would gladly be at your service" I said as I ripped his shirt off. He looked at me wide eyed.

I gently picked the soap as I started bathing him, he just raised his eyebrows at my every movements. When I got to his waist I stopped.

"You should do that yourself" I said and was about to go out of the bath when he pulled me again.

"You are not done yet" he said and I creased my forehead, I ignored him again and wanted to go away.

he loosed my dress and I turned to look at him standing very close to me.

"Are you really not going to do it?" he asked me as he kept stepping forward.

"Don't come any closer " I said and kept stepping back in the water, he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, in a swift moment He tore my dress as he looked at me from head to toe.

"You are so beautiful, I wonder why you are my maid" he said as he raised my chin with his finger, his gaze landed on my lips, he wanted to kiss me but I wouldn't let him do it, I pushed him as I ran away from the water. I poked my tongue out at him, he placed his hands on his forehead and he shook his head.

'What kind of woman is this?' he asked himself.

When he was done, I helped him get dressed. I gently held his hand as I raised it up.

"Did you remember this ring?" I asked him, he looked at the ruby ring carefully.

"No, this isn't mine" he said and was about to remove it.

"Why did you want to remove it?, someone important must have given it to you" I said hoping that he would keep it.

"I would know if someone gave me this, it is not mine" he said as he removed the ruby ring.

"What are you going to do with it since you removed it?" I asked him.

"Throw it away, what else?" he asked as he tilted his head to look at me keenly.

"Why do you care about this ring so much, take it if you want it". he said as he dropped it on the floor in front of me.

He walked out and I kept watching his back 'You would really return it to me?' I asked but got no answer. I gently picked the ring from the floor as tears flowed from my eyes.

'You came back to your owner, why didn't he keep you?' I asked the ring, that was stupid of me since I would get no answer.


Nathan went to the castle, the king was shocked when he saw him, alive.

"Your majesty" Nathan bowed his head to the king.

"What a pleasant surprise, you came when I didn't expect you to" the king said.

"What of your wife, Rose?" the king asked.

"Wife?" Nathan asked, the king creased his forehead, didn't he know what he was talking about.

"Father, let's stop joking, I came to see Kiel but I can't find him here" Nathan said that was when Kiel entered.

"Bro.. you are alive?" he asked as he stuttered.

"Did you want me to die?" he asked, he looked at kiel's face, he suddenly had the urge to laugh.

"What did you do?, why is your face like this?" Nathan asked and Kiel creased his brows.

"You did this to me" he said in a reminding tone.

"I can't do that to my brother" Nathan said.


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