Chapter 60

Zach went on riding with me at his back, we stopped to take a rest at the entrance of a cave.

"I think we should look for a place to pass the night" Zach said as he looked at me, I was stressed out but I didn't want to quit now.

"Why don't we continue?" I asked again but his expression made me change my mind.

"You are tired" he said and I scoffed at him.

"You are not me" I said, the truth was that I was tired and I really wanted to close my eyes. We caught sight of a cave and we entered it and it was dark and cold.

We made a small tent and also a fireplace to keep us warm, Zach was so prepared for most of the things, well he should be, he's got the map so he should know what we would do at a particular time.

"So where are we heading to?" I asked again, we were on the hills now, the distance between the phoenix and demons was surely a long gap.