Chapter 61

We were on the tropical island figuring out what to do next, we couldn't find a clue, the island was full of green trees and then the sea. We couldn't even go deeper into the forest, it would be too dangerous since there would be wild animals lurking around.

I walked around feeling the cool breeze blowing on my face, the breeze near the water was so cool and also the white sands felt squishy under my toes. I suddenly remembered Nathan, this was the first time in our quest that I thought of him.

"I would bring you back" I said as I kept walking, I kept looking around if I would find anything helpful but I didn't see. I went back to meet Zach, he was also searching the area if he could find anything.

I caught sight of a tree and found blue crystal on it, that was suspicious, the other trees were different.

"Zach, come take a look" I said and he hurried to my side.

"What is it?" he asked.